Our Environmental Values
As a company, we have a firm focus on protecting the environment and ensuring our operations are sustainable and responsible.

Wood is one of the few renewable fuels. Growing trees for fuel is a viable and sensible option. Using wood means we are preserving our valuable fossil fuel reserves for future generations. From design right through to delivery, we go above and beyond to ensure that we embrace efficient, environmentally friendly methods and processes that will help protect our planet and its resources.
Highly efficient designs

At the heart of the design of the products that we make, is the attempt to achieve high efficiencies, so that they will consume less of the earth’s resources in heating your home. An example of this is our woodburning stoves that use one of the few fuels that are renewable within our own lifespan, thus conserving other fuels that are diminishing over the years.
All our stoves are manufactured on the Isle of Wight using the best of British materials wherever possible. Our stoves are designed and made to give you many years of service and we offer spare stove parts should any components need replacing. All the materials and components used to make our stoves (with the exception of the firebrick, ceramic gaskets and glass) are fully recyclable through you local municipal recycling facility.
For our full Quality and Environmental policy please click here.
For our full Health and Safety policy please click here.
Live Fire App
Discover how one of our stoves will look in your home with our free app.
Stove Calculator
Work out the ideal stove for your home with our handy and easy to use calculator