Other Businesses
In addition to manufacturing the Charnwood Stove Range, we have also developed four other businesses.

Below you’ll find an overview of the four other businesses we have developed.
We hope this gives you a sense of who we are as a company, the rest of the website will tell you about our products and how to contact us. Our aim is that by combining high quality products together with excellent service from a company dedicated to looking after its customers, you can purchase a Charnwood with real confidence.
We are also members of the Stove Industry Alliance. Click here for more info.
Enamel Services

Originally set up to enamel our Charnwood stoves, this company has now expanded into the vitreous enamelling (VE) and enamelling of range cookers, baths and signage for corporate and private customers. Our clients include Transport For London, national railway networks and major manufacturers of range cookers.
A range of vitreous enamel panels and work surfaces designed specifically for the home environment. We currently cover three areas within the home – fireplaces, kitchens and bathrooms.