
Now that the winter is in full swing, and the days are darker and colder, many of us are spending more time indoors.

And when the temperature drops, there’s nothing better than hibernating indoors, warm and snug in front of the stove. However, you must make sure that your stove is ready for the winter months.

We’ve created a helpful guide outlining how you can ensure that your stove is ready for winter.


Conduct a thorough stove examination

To make the most of your stove and maximise its longevity, it’s important that you conduct regular maintenance checks to ensure that your wood burning stove remains in sound working order, especially during the colder months of the year.

First and foremost, you should conduct a thorough examination, checking the below elements.


Clean out the ash pan

Most people begin their wood burning stove winter maintenance by emptying the ash pan. However, it’s important that you ensure that the stove is cold and remember, you should always wear protective gloves when cleaning your stove.

The ash pan can easily be cleaned out by using a small shovel to take the burnt ash from the bottom of the pan and dispose of it in a metal bucket. As a general rule of thumb, you should never keep warm ash indoors as it can cause a build-up of carbon monoxide. At the same time, all ash should be stored for at least 24 hours outside before it is disposed of.


Check all air holes are clear

Next, you should check that all air holes are clear and free from any debris buildup. After all, it’s not uncommon for dust, dirt and other elements to accumulate in your stove during Spring and Summer when it is not used as much or at all.

Clearing all air holes will ensure that a vital flow of oxygen can access your fire, optimising efficiency.


Check stove rope

Now you should take the time to check your stove rope, which can be found around the seals of your stove doors. If you do spot any sign of damage, when you are opening and shutting the door it should be addressed straight away, especially if you identify any gaps.


Remove any flammable objects

Before you start using your wood burning stove again, it’s important that you remove any

flammable objects from the area around your stove including decorations and combustibles such as plastic, wood-based products, carpet, textiles and upholstery.  You will be amazed at how many flammable household items can end up next to your stove when it is not being used.

Also explore how best to prepare for the winter energy crisis with a wood-burning stove.


Test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms

When the time comes to get your stove ready for Winter, you should also test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, as it is vital that these are in sound working order.


Start to bring in some seasoned wood into your property

Now it’s time to start stocking up on seasonal wood so that you are good to go! Remember to always store your wood in a dry space.


Also explore our main reasons why it is essential to have a wood-burning stove during the winter.


Why choose us?

Founded in 1972, we are a privately owned, family-controlled, British company specialising in the design and manufacture of high-quality wood burning and multi-fuel stoves. We are committed to providing the highest quality stoves, at the best possible price.

We also have a firm focus on protecting the environment and ensuring our operations are sustainable and responsible.

We operate a policy of caring for the environment in all aspects of the business; from the products we design, to the way we package them, to the way we transport them, to the way we deal with the disposal of waste products, to the vehicles we use, to our choice of raw materials.


Get in touch now

If you have any questions about our wood burning stoves, please get in touch with a member of our team today.


We love December and the magic, tradition and festivities it brings. Nowhere is that magic stronger than in the Cotswolds at Charlie and Josie’s beautifully restored Grade II listed 14th Century home. We recently made our annual pilgrimage to visit them and film roaring log fires and the cosiest of festive decors. We even ended up featuring in Josies’ Vlogmas episode which you can check out below!

Read on for some behind the scenes fun and why a wood stove really brings the Christmas feels!

Fireplace dressing 

There are so many ways to dress a fireplace and we think you’ll agree that Charlie and Josie have achieved an absolutely stunning result! Their attention to detail and bauble strategising was totally worth it. You can’t help but feel in the Christmas spirit in a space like this – Father Christmas will be pleased to visit! 

At the same time as getting into full festive swing, it’s good to consider some ‘Elf and Safety measures’ and we have just the right blog for you!  8 Tips For Wood-Stove Users Over The Holiday Season 

The wood-burning stove lifestyle 

From collecting wood from the store, to building a fire and enjoying the unique bone warming heat that emanates, the process of owning a stove is a delight that puts you back in touch with yourself. 

Charnwood’s rich heritage 

Charnwood is over 50 years old, so despite the fun banter in the video, we can confirm Ced is not a founder, but he is one of the current directors and part of the 3rd generation of family to run the business. The ethos remains as strong as ever with a passion for British Made products (on the sunny Isle of Wight) using British materials. To find out more about the company’s history click here. 

Lights, camera, action 

Initially, there was a fair bit of cloud and natural light was lacking for the shoot. Thankfully Reuben, our fantastic videographer, had some tricks up his sleeve. He used some powerful video lighting, shot from outside, to create a really lovely low winter ray of sunshine through the window to light the fireplace. 

Fortunately, light improved, and the shoot was blessed with a rather fabulous sunset, which spurred Reuben into action. He fired up his drone and took to the skies filming the gorgeous old church against a beautiful winter sunset backdrop. 

Whilst lighting is important in a photoshoot it can be even more so in our everyday lives. The beautiful warm glow created by a wood-burning stove can help illuminate the dark winter evenings. Helping you create your own cosy winter ambience, that soothes the soul and lifts your spirits. 

Beyond aesthetics 

There are a range of Charnwood wood-burning stoves throughout this beautiful property providing a warmth that truly makes a home feel like a home.  

Beyond aesthetics, there are so many other reasons to invest in a stove for your home. Including energy independence and security, significant well-being benefits, supplementing other renewables, off grid living etc. Here is a blog that outlines in detail some of the many other reasons people choose to install a wood-burning stove. 

Here’s what our customers have to say 

These Charnwood customer quotes give great insight into owning a stove and why they are such an important part of their winter lifestyle! 

“I find the process of building and lighting the fire therapeutic and sitting watching the flames is very relaxing.” 

“Something the whole family enjoy doing together and it makes us all feel incredibly relaxed and happy.” 

“It’s a ritual on Christmas morning to rekindle the stove, and to unwrap the presents without a fire is unthinkable. There’s something magical about children in their pyjamas sitting on the rug in the cosy space in front of a blazing stove.” 

“My young nephew visited at Christmas & we built the fire together. It was the first time he had ever lit a real fire. We celebrated with toasting marshmallows! It wasn’t just building a fire – it was building a memory.” 

“After a day of sledging and building snowmen and having snowball fights with the family it was very relaxing and comforting for us all to warm up in front of the fire.” 

“My grandchildren ask for the fire to be on when they are having a hot chocolate on a frosty day.” 

“The stove is the catalyst for family bonding, which helps with relaxation & mood improvement. It helps to unwind after a days exertions at work.” 

“Christmas spent with all the family and grandchildren gathered around our stove brings happy memories all year round.” 

(Source: Charnwood Well-being Survey) 


Finally, from everyone at Charnwood, we wish you the merriest and toastiest of Christmas’s! 



Charnwood is passionate about championing wood as a sustainable and eco-friendly fuel source. As the world transitions towards cleaner energy, wood continues to be a renewable, local, and efficient option that works perfectly in tandem with other renewable heat solutions. 

Wood fuel has multiple benefits 

Wood isn’t just great for generating heat; it also contributes to the health of our environment and the well-being of our communities. So, it is great news that, according to the Woodland Trust’s 2021 report, the UK’s woodland cover has more than doubled in the last 100 years, reaching 13.1% of the total land area. Forest coverage is set to continue increasing which provides a host of benefits, including: 

Carbon Sequestration: Wood absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it grows. When wood is burned responsibly, a closed-loop carbon cycle can be created with the carbon dioxide released being reabsorbed by new trees. 

Biodiversity Enhancement: Woodlands are the habitat for a diverse range of wildlife, including many insects and birds. When done sustainably, harvesting wood encourages new growth and benefits biodiversity. 

Local Jobs: Wood fuel production and distribution creates jobs and supports economies in rural areas. This is crucial for maintaining the vibrancy of local communities. 

Harvesting & using wood sustainably 

To ensure the long-term sustainability of wood as an energy source, it’s essential to adopt responsible practices including: 

Silviculture: Silviculture encompasses the nurturing and management of woodlands. It’s the practice of controlling the growth, composition/structure, as well as quality of forests while supporting timber production. A wide spectrum of silvicultural systems exists, each tailored to specific woodland types and areas.  

Practicing coppicing: a traditional method of harvesting trees by cutting branches and shoots, allowing them to regrow and provide a continuous supply of wood. 

High-Efficiency Stoves: Using high-efficiency stoves that burn cleanly and efficiently, minimising emissions and maximising heat output. 

Avoiding Freshly Felled Wood: Avoiding burning freshly felled ‘wet’ wood, as it produces higher emissions due to its high moisture content. 

Why seasoned wood matters 

Seasoned wood is wood that has been dried so that its moisture content is 20% or lower. This is crucial for several reasons: 

Reduced Smoke Emissions: Seasoned wood burns with a cleaner flame, producing significantly lower levels of smoke and harmful pollutants. 

Better Burning Efficiency: Dried wood ignites more easily and burns more evenly, ensuring maximum heat output and minimising waste. 

Extended Stove Life: Burning seasoned wood helps to protect your wood stove from damage caused by excessive moisture and creosote buildup. 

 At Charnwood, we recommend using Woodsure wood. Woodsure is a UK-wide wood fuel certification scheme that ensures the wood you’re buying is sourced responsibly and is of the highest quality. Woodsure wood is always seasoned to the correct moisture content, ensuring you enjoy a clean, efficient, and eco-friendly heating experience. 


Wood, when harvested and used responsibly, can play a significant role in a sustainable energy future. Charnwood are committed to creating a cleaner, greener future powered by renewable energy sources while preserving the natural beauty and wonders of our woodlands. Choosing your wood wisely and using best stove practices, you can be confident that you are contributing to a sustainable future while enjoying the warmth and comfort of a wood-burning stove. 



When it comes to heating our homes, firewood is a popular choice. However, using wet or improperly seasoned firewood can lead to reduced efficiency, increased smoke and even potential chimney fires. This article will guide you through the process of checking firewood moisture content, understanding the ideal moisture levels, and recognising the importance of properly seasoned firewood for optimal burning.


Checking Firewood Moisture Content


What should the moisture level of logs be?

To achieve efficient and clean burning, firewood should be properly seasoned to reach an ideal moisture level. The optimal moisture content for firewood is generally considered to be around 15-20%. Anything above 20% is considered wet, while below 15% is considered overly dry.


How do you know if firewood is dry enough?

There are a few methods you can use to check how moist your firewood is.


Visual Inspection

Inspect the firewood for visible signs of moisture such as bark that is still attached, discolouration of the log, or a dull appearance. Wet wood tends to be heavier (because of the weight of the water) and may show signs of mould or fungi growth.


Sound Test

Tap two pieces of firewood together. If they produce a dull thud or a heavy sound, it indicates higher moisture content. Dry firewood will sound hollow and produce a sharper noise.


Moisture Meter

Investing in a moisture meter is an excellent way to accurately measure the moisture content of firewood. These devices use metal prongs to penetrate the wood and provide a digital readout of the moisture percentage. Because they provide a specific number, moisture meters are the most accurate method of determining firewood moisture content.


Why is firewood’s moisture level important?

Understanding the importance of firewood moisture levels is key to efficient and safe burning. Here are a few reasons why it matters:


Energy Efficiency

Wet firewood contains a significant amount of moisture, which requires extra energy to burn off. This energy is wasted as it is used to evaporate excess water rather than generate heat. Properly seasoned firewood with ideal moisture levels (15-20%) maximises energy efficiency.


Reduced Smoke and Pollution

Burning wet firewood produces more smoke, particulate matter and harmful pollutants. By using dry firewood, you can minimise smoke production and reduce environmental pollution.

Check out the best firewood to burn chart UK here.


Chimney Safety

Wet firewood can create excessive creosote build-up in the chimney, which increases the risk of chimney fires. Properly seasoned firewood has the right moisture content and thus reduces the likelihood of dangerous amounts of creosote building up in your chimney.

Find out our firewood storage suggestions here.


Can firewood be too dry?

While it’s essential to avoid using wet firewood, excessively dry firewood can also pose challenges. Extremely dry firewood burns quickly and can lead to an overly hot fire that may damage your fireplace or wood stove and is likely to be uncomfortable for you and your family.

The best way to check if certain firewood is too dry is with a moisture meter as it will give you an easy-to-read percentage – anything less than 15% is too dry. In the rare event that your wood is too dry, mix it in with regular firewood to help raise the moisture content.

Find out everything you need to know about firewood here.


Why Choose Us?

Charnwood has been committed to providing quality wood-burning stoves since 1972 and we know all there is to know about wood burners, and how to get the most out of the wood you burn. If you have any questions about heating your home with a wood-burning stove, please get in touch.



Wood-burning stoves are a popular way to heat homes because they offer an unparalleled source of comfort and warmth, however, it is important to be aware of carbon monoxide (CO) and the potential threats associated with its emissions.

Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas that can be very dangerous if inhaled in high concentrations. In this article, we will discuss the dangers of carbon monoxide, symptoms to look out for and, importantly, effective strategies for preventing carbon monoxide issues when using a wood-burning stove.


Why CO Is So Dangerous

Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas because it binds to haemoglobin in the blood and reduces its ability to transport oxygen effectively. This can lead to oxygen deprivation and carbon monoxide poisoning. The gas can accumulate indoors and pose a severe threat, especially in poorly ventilated spaces. Even low levels of carbon monoxide exposure can result in long-term health issues.

Find out our commonly asked questions around wood-burning stoves here.


CO Exposure Symptoms to Look Out For

Recognising the signs of carbon monoxide exposure is key for early detection and prevention of severe consequences.

Headaches and dizziness are common initial symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning; exposure can also cause nausea and vomiting, often accompanied by a general feeling of being unwell.

Excessive tiredness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating are further signs of carbon monoxide poisoning. These symptoms can be particularly dangerous as they may impair judgment and hinder your ability to recognise the risk.

If you or anyone in your home experiences any of these symptoms while using your wood-burning stove, immediately ventilate the area and seek fresh air, and consult a medical professional.


How to Avoid Carbon Monoxide Problems

While the effects of carbon monoxide inhalation can be severe, it is thankfully easy to minimise the risk by following some simple precautions.


Clean Out Your Wood-Burning Stove

Regular maintenance is essential for the safe operation of your wood-burning stove. Cleaning the stove and its flue system helps prevent the build-up of creosote, a highly flammable substance that releases carbon monoxide and can lead to chimney fires.

Regularly remove ash (leaving about an inch in the base) and debris from the stove’s interior, including the firebox, grate, and ash pan. Use a metal scoop or shovel designed for this purpose. Dispose of the ashes in a metal container placed away from flammable materials.

Find out how to clean your wood-burning stove here.


Get Your Flue Inspected Annually

It’s also important to have a clean chimney and flue. Schedule annual professional inspections and cleanings to remove creosote and other blockages from your chimney and flue system. A qualified technician will ensure that the flue is clear, reducing the risk of carbon monoxide build-up.

An annual inspection should include:

• Inspecting the flue for any cracks, leaks or damage that could result in the escape of carbon monoxide.

• Ensuring that there are no blockages or obstructions in the chimney, such as nests or debris. These can impede proper ventilation and increase the risk of carbon monoxide buildup.

• Assessing the combustion efficiency of your wood-burning stove. They will ensure that the stove is operating at its optimal level, minimising the production of carbon monoxide.


Provide Sufficient Ventilation

Proper ventilation is crucial to minimise the risk of carbon monoxide build-up. Ensure your stove is installed in a well-ventilated area, and that your home has adequate fresh air intake. Keep air vents unobstructed and consider installing a vent fan to improve air circulation.


Install Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Installing a carbon monoxide alarm is a crucial safety measure for any home with a wood-burning stove. These alarms can detect the presence of carbon monoxide gas and alert you to its presence, allowing for swift action.

Install a carbon monoxide alarm on each level of your home and near sleeping areas. Ensure they are mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for placement, and test your carbon monoxide alarms regularly to ensure they are working properly.

Explore how to use a wood-burning stove here.


Burn the Correct Fuel

Another important precaution to take is using only the correct fuel – this is paramount for safe wood-burning. Burn only seasoned hardwood that has been properly dried; it burns more efficiently, produces less smoke and reduces the risk of carbon monoxide emissions.

Do not burn treated or painted wood in your stove. These materials can release toxic chemicals when burned, including carbon monoxide.


Why Choose Us?

Charnwood has been committed to providing quality wood-burning stoves since 1972 and we know all there is to know about wood burners, and how to use them safely while providing the utmost in warmth and cosiness. If you have any questions about heating your home with a wood-burning stove, please get in touch.



Have you been using your wood-burning stove and are wondering if it is safe to keep burning overnight? Charnwood Stoves explains everything. Read below.

Wood burners and wood-burning stoves can significantly reduce a home’s heating bill making it an attractive alternative to electric, gas and oil heating for many homeowners.

Not only that, but research suggests that installing a log burner can even increase your home’s value by around five per cent. Additionally, a wood-burning stove can be used to heat not just the room it sits within, but the whole house.

For this reason, wood stoves and log burners have become immensely popular. The demand for wood-burning stoves has soared in recent years as households look for affordable ways to keep warm during freezing temperatures and an energy crisis.

Wood stoves can burn for hours providing homeowners with cost-effective and efficient heating solutions. However, many people with newly installed log burners and wood stoves wonder whether it is safe to leave their wood stoves burning at night.

This blog will mention everything you need to know about keeping your wood-burning stove on overnight.


Can You Leave Your Wood Stove On?

The safety of your home is of key importance. Leaving a burning fire unattended can be dangerous however, by following some key steps it is possible to keep your wood stove burning to warm your home at night.


Limit the Air Getting to the Fire

Once the flames have dampened down, it is important to close your stove’s air events to control and limit the air getting to the fire. Oxygen causes embers to increase in heat and strength causing the fire to burn faster. Charnwood stoves feature a simple, single air control that can be pushed in to slow the the burn to a slumber.


Check Your Space

The more space you have around your wood stove, the more effectively it will heat the room and the safer it will be. If there isn’t enough space around the stove for air and heat to circulate, the performance may be hindered.

What’s more, your wood stove burner must also be a suitable distance away from combustible materials, especially when left unattended at night. It is important never to stack logs close to the sides of your stove.


Maintain Your Chimney

If you have a wood stove, you need to have your chimney swept at least once a year to prevent the risk of a chimney fire. Soot and creosote will naturally collect in a chimney after using a wood-burning stove. If not regularly cleaned away, this can cause a chimney fire hazard. Regularly maintaining your chimney by having your chimney swept will allow the free passage of combustion gases to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning and chimney fires. Additionally, chimney sweeping will also remove foreign objects from your chimney such as bird nests, cobwebs, and other blockages.


Use the Right Wood

Using the right type of seasoned wood and stacking it correctly in your wood stove ensures the fire burns for much longer. Furthermore, continually burning improperly seasoned wood can cause a build-up of creosote deposits in the chimney. This not only affects the performance of the stove but can also lead to dangerous chimney fires.

Some types of wood, such as driftwood, are poisonous and release toxic chemicals into the air when burnt. This is another reason why you should always choose the right wood for your wood-burning stove carefully.


Explore the best firewood to burn in the UK.


Key Points to Take into Consideration

The key points to take into consideration when leaving a wood stove to burn at night, include:

• Are the air vents closed to control and limit air that can get to the fire?

• Are all combustible materials, such as paper and candles, placed within a safe distance of the wood stove?

• Does your chimney get regularly swept? Is there any risk of a chimney fire?

• Are you burning the right type of wood in your wood stove?


Also explore the 7 top reasons to buy a wood-burning stove.


Why Choose Us?

At Charnwood Stoves, we specialise in the design and manufacturing of high-quality wood burning and multi-fuel stoves.

As the oldest British manufacturer of wood-burning stoves, run by second and third generations of the family we are dedicated to providing products of enduring design and of the highest quality.

From the products we design and the way we package them, to the way we transport them and the way we deal with the disposal of waste products, we operate a policy of caring for the environment in all aspects of the business.


Get in Touch Now

For more information or to see how we can help, get in touch today.


We’re proud to present the Cranmore: a classic new wood burning stove from Charnwood. While it may be traditional in style it uses the very latest in clean burn technology. The Cranmore draws inspiration from the Regency era with a single framed glass door and archetypal detailing. The stoves pleasing proportions make it well suited to a traditional fireplace and with its large picture window and mesmerising flame pattern it is an ideal replacement for an open fire.

Timeless style, exquisite detailing and built to last a lifetime

The best of British

The Cranmore is British made with British materials, using the latest technology that draws on Charnwood’s 50 years of expertise. It is available in a range of colours and features a firm close, cool-to-touch, handle for safe and easy reloading. It is incredibly simple to operate with one single air control and features a sliding firebed for clean and easy ash removal.

The Cranmore 5 has a narrower portrait window than the 7 but still provides a punchy 5kw output

Available as 5 or 7kW models, the Cranmore uses our clean-burn BLU technology and is exceptionally efficient, with a level 5 clearSkies rating. The comparison table below is a useful tool; however we recommend speaking with your Charnwood supplier to help you decide which stove is most suited to your space.

The perfect open fire replacement

With rules around Eco Design Ready stoves coming into force in 2022 and the potential for further regulation, the Cranmore is an ideal and timely choice. It offers the wonderful ambience and flame picture associated with open fires, while exceeding all minimum criteria for Eco Design Ready status.

The difference between an open fire and the Cranmore in terms of its efficiency and eco-credentials shouldn’t be understated. The Cranmore produces a far more efficient burn and reduces PM emissions by 90%. Added to Charnwood’s policy of caring for the environment, in all aspects of the business, means a Cranmore stove is an environmentally sound heating solution you can be proud of.

Victorian, Georgian, and Regency period properties all provide a perfect backdrop for the traditional aesthetic of the Cranmore. The elegant and timeless design blended with the latest technology makes the Charnwood Cranmore nothing short of a modern classic.

For more information contact us here. For the latest news follow us here.


Why Choose Us?

Discover excellence with Charnwood Stoves. Our classic yet innovative approach shines through the Cranmore wood-burning stove. Crafted with precision and elegance, it embodies our commitment to quality and performance. At Charnwood, our legacy of creating enduring heating solutions meets modern design, offering reliability and style in one. Choose us for unparalleled craftsmanship, where tradition meets cutting-edge technology. With the Cranmore stove, experience warmth, efficiency, and timeless sophistication. Trust our team for a legacy of superior heating solutions that elevate your space and comfort to new heights.



Charnwood is delighted to announce the release of two fantastic new stoves, The Cranmore 3 & The C-Five Duo. They add to our existing range of exceptional British-made wood & multi-fuel stoves that caters to all living environments from tiny homes to country residences, townhouses and more.  

Read on to learn more about our 2 exciting new stoves.  

The Best of British  

The Cranmore 3 and the C-Five Duo are British made with British materials, using the latest technology that draws on Charnwood’s 50 years of expertise. Both are available in a range of colours with features that make for safe handling, ease of use and exceptional performance. All Charnwood stoves offer genuine green credentials and value for money, providing a perfect heat source for the modern world. 

The New Cranmore 3

The new Cranmore 3 (above) is the latest addition to the elegant Cranmore collection. Based on the hugely popular Aire 3, this stove offers a more classic style yet features a large picture window with which to view its superb flame pattern.  

Coming with an integrated ashpan for ease of use and compatible with a cooktop, it is the ideal small fireplace for alternative and versatile living. With a 3kw output, it is designed to fit into our Stove Pod and is a perfect solution for smaller rooms, cabins and the wide range of tiny homes. 

It has all the features of both the Cranmore 5 and Cranmore 7, including a large ceramic glass window, single air control for easy use and cool-to-touch handle for safe reloading. With an impressive 86% efficiency, it meets all the criteria set for Ecodesign 2022 and has been awarded a Clear Skies rating of 5 stars. That is quite revolutionary for a stove with such a small output. 

Explore more about our Cranmore classic wood-burning stoves.


Key Features 

>SIA Eco Design Ready and clearSkies level 5

>Cleanburn Airwash Technology

>Quattroflow Air Management System

>Cool-to-touch for safe and easy reloading

>Drop down throat plate enabling the chimney to be swept through the stove

>DEFRA exempt for burning wood in smoke control areas

>Exceeds new Eco Design standards Meets the UK building requirements for installation with a 12mm non-combustible hearth

>Sliding firebed for clean and easy ash removal


Customisation Options 

>Flue boiler 

>Vertical rear flue adaptor 

>Choice of eight colours 


Output & Materials 

3.7kW (range 1.5 – 5kW) / Plate steel, cast iron, fire bricks, ceramic glass 


The New C-Five Duo 

The C-Five Duo is a multi-fuel version of our ever-popular C-Five model. It is fitted with a fixed grate, so the stove burns wood and mineral fuels equally well with high efficiency and low emissions.  

Also explore the best firewood to burn chart in the UK.

The Charnwood C-Five Duo is a classically styled wood-burning stove that features one single air control and an integrated inlet for ducting external air to improve performance and efficiency.  


Key Features 
>Fixed grate for burning solid fuel in the most efficient way possible 

>Cleanburn airwash technology 

>Drop down throat plate enabling the chimney to be swept through the stove 

>DEFRA exempt for burning wood in smoke control areas 

>Sliding ashpan for clean and easy ash removal 


Customisation Options 

>Flue boiler 

>Vertical rear flue adaptor 

>Rear heatshield 

>Store stand and high legs 

>Choice of eight colours 


Output & Materials 

4.9kW (range 2-5.5kW) / Plate steel, cast iron, fire brick, ceramic glass  


We have seen record demand across the business as the wider benefits of owning a stove are being more fully understood. This has intensified further as people look for alternative ways to heat their homes due to soaring energy prices. These two new editions are already proving popular, so summer is the ideal time of year to contact your local dealer and get prepared for the colder months ahead. 


Why Choose Us?

Choose Charnwood Stoves for a premium firewood experience. Our expertise in wood-burning solutions ensures top-quality advice and products. With our comprehensive knowledge, our team present the best firewood-to-burn chart in the UK, guiding you toward optimal choices for efficient and eco-friendly fires. At Charnwood Stoves, we prioritise sustainability and functionality, offering not just firewood guidance but a commitment to environmentally conscious heating solutions. Trust us to elevate your burning experience with our reliable expertise and dedication to quality.

Get in touch with us today.



The next in a series of essays by Charmain Ponnuthurai is about ‘Going Inwards’. Charmain (Dammy) is the author of Midnight Feasts: An Anthology of Late-night Munchies, and founder of Larder and Crane cookware.


And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah? – Kings 19 verses 12-13

The first shiver of Autumn, brings to us thoughts of roaring fires, cosy layers, soft blankets and warming food. Though with the drawing in of the nights and the reduced length of daylight, we increase our time for contemplation and the opportunity to hear that still small voice within us. We live in a time of rapidly progressing AI, which some fear will render much of all work obsolete. In such a scenario, many of us would have to find meaning elsewhere. Regardless of whether our lives are reimagined by AI, a human search for meaning exists, a humane search for empathy and connection. The most independent of us are not immune to feelings of loneliness and a requirement for warmth that no matter how clever the robot, it cannot be surpassed by what tactility offers.

One simple reach towards feeling connection can be found in the simple daily need for nourishment. There are so many off the shelf prepackaged solutions for our ‘busy lives’, that tie in with the materialistic goals of efficiency and valuable results. Though it is in the very act of cooking and sharing food, where we can find the time for a moment to connect and be entirely present with ourselves and others. As winter draws closer, we may wake up feeling uninspired by the rain lashing at our window, and the daily news grind of the troubles that face us both in our own communities and together as a planet. The act of being nourished and nourishing others holds a sacred place; such a basic act comprises a rare, untarnished purity, like the simple comforting sound of a purring cat. The process of preparing, cooking, and laying the table gives us the opportunity to listen to that still small voice which can be so hard to hear within us, in the midst of burgeoning communication channels that keep us distracted.

The journey inwards brings us solace against the chill of the elements and brooding skies. We become concentrated on our homes as a solace from the hibernation of the sun and look forward to the thought of lighting a fire, playing some music and enjoying the pleasure of comfort cooking. We think of tucking into slow cooked stews, silken soups and puddings that invoke the nostalgia of childhood such as old school rice pudding, or a constantly renewing stack of pancakes. As the song by Spike Jones goes, “Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, And smile, smile, smile. Don’t let your joy and laughter hear the snag…”

In the essay ‘A Purple Future’, Daniel Pinchbeck speaks of how we have lost the knowledge of ancient and indigenous cultures, of our connectivity with one another. Pinchbeck suggests this is, ‘an underlying consciousness that is indivisible, instinctive, timeless and spaceless and without boundary.’ We have instead turned to a way of living that quantifies everything by measurable value and outcomes. It is of course hard to sometimes reach into this thought process, when we are faced with the rising costs of living and an uncertainty of basic material requirements. Though as with all human progress, our fears have become so strong that they curtail the freedom to be creative as we try to grip onto certainty. We can see as a simple observation that with young children, who are unencumbered with anything but the moment that joy is always present and experimentation paramount as they learn about the world around them.

The lead into winter and the early nights drawing in some way gives us this sacrosanct time in which to pause, to cook that slow stew and undertake simple acts such as lighting a fire. These moments allow us to open ourselves to the silent possibilities and creativity that arise from ‘hunkering in’ so we may begin to see new shafts of light as we navigate our way through the darkness.

“The goal of life is not to possess power but to radiate it’ Henry Miller


If you haven’t read Charmain Ponnuthurai’s piece on ‘storytelling’ click here – we highly recommend it! 


In the ongoing debate over air quality and PM2.5 emissions, modern wood-burning stoves often face unfair criticism. The root of the issue lies in the unfortunate lumping together of modern ultra-efficient stoves with their vastly more polluting counterparts—open fires, outdoor bonfires and old, poorly maintained stoves. Today, we turn our attention to the latest report, released by the Environmental Research Group. 

Anti-woodburning groups have previously drawn on questionable data often not recognising the crucial distinctions between various types of wood-burning. However, there is a glimmer of progress, as this latest report at least acknowledges some of the benefits of ultra-efficient stoves and that ClearSkies 5 Stoves can in fact improve indoor and outdoor air quality. This is a step in the right direction.   

Key Findings from the London Wood-Burning Project: 

On page 71 of the 127-page report, we find the page titled Key Findings. Below are the 4 crucial pieces of information from this page: 

1/ Use of the clearSkies Level5 stove demonstrated some benefits for indoor air quality. Indoor PM2.5 did not increase when adding fuel to the stove once lit… At times there was actually a decrease in indoor concentrations of PM2.5 when adding fuel. 

As we have long pointed out, a properly functioning wood stove draws particulates out of the room and up the flue, helping improve air quality and ventilation in the home. The stove used in this study was our Charnwood C-Five. 

2/ Increases in pollutant concentrations may be more affected by participant technique or specific airflow characteristics of an individual appliance, rather than to the type of appliance or fuel. 

We always encourage best stove practices and will continue to do our level best to educate new and existing customers and beyond.  

3/ However, the biggest increases in PM2.5 concentrations indoors did not relate to indoor wood or solid-fuel burning but instead were a result of cooking, especially frying, grilling and use of the oven, and particularly when the extraction fan was not used. 

Again, we have tried to communicate this fact for a long time, as it really provides perspective on the issue of PM 2.5 in the home. A slice of burnt toast or your Sunday lunch can contribute far more than a wood-burning stove. 

4/ The PM2.5 increase measured outdoors, due to the non-DEFRA exempt stove, was double the increase due to the clearSkies Level 5 stove. 50 μg m-3 and approx. 25 μg m-3 

The methodology used to gather this data from the environment, again, can not adequately separate the different sources of PM2.5 in the tested areas. It is subject to error from many environmental factors, such as road traffic, construction, manufacturing, and other industrial processes. 

However, this data does still accept that a modern ClearSkies 5 stove significantly reduces emissions. We have rigorously tested all Charnwood stoves and when ensuring best stove practices and using seasoned wood with a moisture content of less than 20%, emissions can be reduced by up to 90% in comparison with an open fire. This provides an exceptionally clean burn! 

Differentiating Wood-Burning Practices: 

It is essential to differentiate between various forms of wood-burning. The UK government’s 2020 figures highlight that Ecodesign-compliant stoves contribute only 1-2% to PM2.5 emissions, a fraction compared to other sources. ClearSkies Level 5 stoves, surpass Ecodesign standards, offering a further reduction in emissions by up to 30%! 

This is where the anti-wood-burning stove movement has gotten it so wrong in the past. By not differentiating accurately between different wood-burning practices they have missed the opportunity to really help reduce PM 2.5 emissions with a solution that has been proven to work – modern ultra-efficient stoves. 

In London 70% of wood burning still occurs on open fires. If people were widely encouraged to switch to one of the many modern and efficient wood burning stoves available, it would massively reduce urban PM 2.5 emissions. The emissions of 70% of London Wood burning could be reduced by 90%! 

Wood-Burning Stove’s Co-Heating Future  

Heat pumps, solar and wind energy, have positive qualities, but are simply not sufficient to meet our home heating needs on their own. This is particularly true for the vast amount of older housing stock across the UK. Wood-burning stoves can increase the uptake of other renewables by providing energy security and filling the gaps in power. 

Below is a link to an article which comprehensively explains why modern wood-burning stoves will be an essential heating solution long into the future. 

Wood-Burning Stove’s Co-Heating Future (A Nuanced Look At PM 2.5 Emissions) 


With gas and electricity prices set to increase even further in January 2024, we need all sides of the debate to work towards a more informed and positive dialogue. For our part, we continue to lead the industry in creating the most efficient stoves on the market. We are investing heavily to continually improve and are passionate about providing people with energy security and the many other benefits offered by wood-burning stoves.