
As we head into the cooler months many of us are preparing to light the log burner or, if we don’t already have one, considering installing one. Wood burning has been around since the dawn of civilisation and there is undoubtedly a primal connection with fire within us as humans. At Charnwood, we have 50 years of expertise in wood burning technology and the stoves we sell across the globe today are among the cleanest, greenest appliances available on the market.

However recently there have been a number of reports circulating within the media that suggest stoves may be polluting our environment and are bad for our health. What is the truth about wood-burning stoves and air quality? In this article, we delve into the real facts and why many of these reports are very misleading and damaging to an industry that is a part of the solution to clean, sustainable, low carbon energy.


Is particulate matter (PM 2.5) from wood-burning stoves damaging our health?

The term particulate matter, also known as fine particles or PM 2.5 refers to tiny particles or droplets in the air. They are about thirty times smaller than the width of a human hair.

The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) safe level for PM 2.5 particulates in the air is a daily average of ≤ 10 µg/m3 (1). For reference, air outside in Central London averages 18-25 µg/m3.

A US study in 2019 of 137 homes published in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, found that the average daily level of PM 2.5 particulates in homes (2):
– with a wood stove measured at 6-8 µg/m3
no wood stove measured only a fraction less at 6-7 µg/m3

So, we’re really talking about a minuscule difference that is well within the WHO safe level. Hard to believe? It really shouldn’t be because a correctly functioning wood stove draws air, smoke and particulates out of a room and up the chimney.

In contrast, the UK media bases its negative assertions on a study of just 19 homes that took measurements using, as they admit, “low-cost air quality monitors” (3).

It is impossible to remove PM 2.5 completely from our lives and some measured thinking on this subject is required. When you consider that brakes from an electric car and even a burnt piece of toast (as well as a host of other everyday items) produce significant amounts of PM 2.5 particles, it helps put things in perspective!

However, we welcome regulation and continue to innovate to reach even greater levels of efficiency and emission reduction. We are proud that we are now creating stoves that are 90% more efficient than open fires and new innovations are forthcoming.

We welcome more studies being undertaken, but what is clear is that the most comprehensive data available to date indicate that the dangers presented from wood-burning stoves are exaggerated, to say the least.


Are wood-burning stoves environmentally friendly?

In most cases yes they are. But it is worth noting that not all wood-burning stoves are the same. At Charnwood, we only produce stoves that meet the criteria for EcoDesign 2022 which significantly reduces particle emissions while ensuring very high efficiencies.

The Stove Industry Alliance (SIA) have produced this short film to help dispel some of the myths around wood-burning stoves with the real facts.

It’s worth considering that as wood burning stove sales have increased in record numbers during the recent lockdowns, with more opportunity for their use, measurements for 2.5 µg/m3 actually decreased. Coincidence? No, it’s because modern wood-burning stoves are not the problem.

Much of the confusion has come from DEFRA lumping in wood-burning stoves with open fires and bonfires and then presenting a grouped figure for emissions – this totally distorts the data (4). An EcoDesign Ready stove produces 90% fewer emissions than an open fire and 80% less than older designed stoves. Despite this fact, modern wood-burning stoves continue to get tarnished in the press for the faults of open fires and the like and continue to get attributed to an unrepresentative figure. It is open fires that need to be scrutinised and those who have made the switch to an EcoDesign Ready wood-burning stove should be commended for doing so and more people should be encouraged!

Also learn why burning the right wood saves money and protects the environment.

At Charnwood, we recently released the Cranmore, which is the perfect open fire replacement. Super-efficient, clean and with an EcoDesign score of 5 (the highest possible), its dimensions and aesthetic are perfectly suited to an open fireplace. If you have an open fire, we encourage you to make the switch!


Wood burning stoves are part of our home heating solution

At Charnwood we are big fans of wind and solar energy – indeed our factory roof on the Isle of Wight is covered with panels and many of us have installed solar on our roofs at home. They are a big part of the solution, but it’s important to remember that even these much-lauded technologies have some downsides. Firstly, they don’t offer a constant supply and then there are environmental costs, although relatively low, involved in their production. However, overall, the net benefit for the world is clear and demonstrable.

Fossil fuels on the other hand are non-renewable and as we all know, polluting. The main advantage is the ability to provide power 24/7 – but they’re not a sustainable part of the world’s future.

These are just a few examples, but they highlight that no energy source can be 100% perfect. It’s about finding energy sources that are, on balance, positive for society and wood-burning stoves fall into this category as a very viable solution.


Wood burning stoves

Wood is a renewable energy source, sucking carbon out of the atmosphere as trees grow. Of course, there are best practices that need to be followed and selecting the right type of wood from the right sources is key.


Wood burning stoves have numerous benefits:
– They can produce heat for long periods.
– Allowing them to work in conjunction with wind, solar and other energies helps make these great technologies more viable – They are not in competition with each other.
– An ideal emergency/low-frequency heat source.
– Wood is a carbon-neutral fuel as it gives off the same amount of carbon whether it is burnt or decays naturally. The carbon released from burning wood is balanced out by the carbon absorbed by the tree during its lifetime.
– Ability to source fuel locally and without fracking and deep-sea oil drilling.
– A good quality stove can last many decades and provide an affordable source of heat for low-income households.
– The right to repair. The majority of components used within a Charnwood stove are modular and can be replaced when or if they wear out further extending the life of your stove.
– Charnwood stoves and packaging are fully recyclable.

Also find out the wellbeing benefits of having a wood-burning stove.


Wood Burning Stoves: An antidote to the digital age

In addition, the mental health benefits absolutely shouldn’t be overlooked. It’s no coincidence sales of stoves rocketed during the hardships of the last couple of years. People recognised the need to make their homes as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Restorative spaces that help us face the trials and tribulations. This isn’t trivial in the slightest. This is a benefit that no other energy source we’ve talked about can provide. You don’t get a visceral connection to nature by flicking on a switch. Fire affords a primal connection that genuinely helps people unwind and reconnect.

We’ve spoken to many customers about their stove and the responses are strikingly similar. Their stove provides much more than just heat. It’s clear from our conversations that burning wood provides enormous well-being and associated mental and physical health benefits. People report it helps them “switch off” and “after a day in front of a screen, chopping wood [and] preparing the fire really helps me to reconnect to the real world”, “brings the family together”, “helps me sleep better”, “almost like a meditation”. You simply don’t get this from another heat source.

To the individual and family, this is clearly hugely beneficial. Now consider this extrapolated across a population and the effect multiples – it becomes powerful. Improving people’s wellbeing and reducing stress allows people to take more actions/decisions from a healthier state of mind. This in turn can only contribute positively to society.

It is widely accepted that few things are as unhealthy as chronic stress and from our personal experience as well as our customers few things can relieve it as consistently well as the process of wood-burning.
– The pleasure of foraging (optional)
– Exercise/stress relief from chopping wood (optional)
– Feeling connected to a historical and natural process
– Lighting a fire – satisfaction of a job well done.
– Enjoying the long-lasting and penetrating warmth
– Deep relaxation with the crackle and flicker of fire
– A focal point for friends and family

So in conclusion an EcoDesign Ready wood burning stove is a clean and environmentally sound choice for heating your home. It is of course important that it is used correctly and the fuel burnt is properly seasoned but this is a source of energy that provides not only warmth but can be key to our wellbeing.

Also explore the best firewood to burn chart in the UK.


Golden rules. 3 steps to burning wood on your stove efficiently

1/ Good fuel – This is wood that has been stored and allowed to dry until the moisture content has reduced to 20% or less. Freshly cut or ‘green wood’ holds up to 70% water which causes far more smoke to be produced. It is for this reason we have long stressed the importance of using seasoned wood because it produces a significantly cleaner burn – reducing emissions by up to 50%. Additionally, improved efficiency equals cheaper running costs, while a cleaner fuel means your stove and chimney will require less maintenance. It’s a win-win.

2/ Efficient stove – Charnwood is proud to have stoves certified in the inaugural clearSkies listing, an independent emissions and energy performance certification mark for stoves. Many Charnwood products carry a level 5 certification (the highest available rating) which guarantees performance levels and exceed the minimum EcoDesign criteria by a sizable 30%. This is only awarded to stoves that significantly reduce particle emissions while ensuring high efficiencies and a superior flame picture.

3/ Correct use – this is a variable that has until now been dependant on the experience and diligence of the end-user, providing mixed results. That is why Charnwood are developing new technology that will give the user the option of automating this process. This will mean the stove will burn at the most efficient rate possible, further improving its green credentials. Watch this space!


Other useful sources of information:


Why Choose Us?

At Charnwood Stoves, we stand committed to revolutionising home heating with eco-friendly wood-burning stoves. Our legacy of craftsmanship spans decades, ensuring each stove combines cutting-edge technology with timeless design. Our team prioritise clean-burning solutions, championing air quality while delivering warmth and ambiance to your space. With an unwavering dedication to sustainability, our stoves not only elevate your home but also minimize environmental impact. Choose Charnwood Stoves for reliability, innovation, and a greener approach to heating.

Get in touch with us today.



The next in a series of essays by Dammy Ponnuthurai is on ‘The role of fire in promoting stillness’. Dammy is the author of Midnight Feasts: An Anthology of Midnight Feasts & Late Night Munchies, and co-founder of Dammy (a workwear jacket brand riffing on the chef’s jacket). She is also the former founder of Crane cookware used by the Charnwood team in many of our photo and video shoots.


“I approach a cedar hut where I plan to sit quietly for a few hours, gathering the scattered pieces of myself. I draw in a deep breath, let it go, and try to shed a feeling of decadence for sitting here alone, idle on a Sunday morning”- Scott Sanders (from his essay on Stillness)

In his essay on stillness, Sanders speaks of the active need to switch off from the continuous distractions that crowd modern life, in the pursuit of the rewarding silence that only a state of hermetic time brings. The amount of time we spend absorbed by our screens and with the added layer of AI working its way into decisions that might otherwise have been made using our more analogue senses, such as imagination, have the potential to change the course of society. So much so people talk now of actively seeking ways to deprive their senses, through means such as sensory deprivation tanks. This battle between our technologically rewired brains and our own soul’s calling is one we can only really hear when our crowded minds and diaries are silenced. This silence can at times feel unnerving as listening to that still small voice can bring with it both waves of sadness and joy with its breath.

If we are open and brave enough to look for this sense of silence, it can be found in few such simple things in everyday life that are as effortless as sitting in front of a crackling fire. Whether that fire be the warmth of the home wood burner, the campfire or the greeting of a welcome pub fire on a rainy day, the light and flickering flame drawing us into being present in the moment, it’s a simple commune with nature that draws us into the moment and away from our busy minds.

Much has been written about fire, from the mythologised in the story of Prometheus who stole fire from the Olympian Gods, to the eulogised history of Mayan culture where fire was used as a major force of transformation. First traces of lighting a fire date as far back as a million years ago. Scientists have found that the use of the fire for cooking dates back some 800,000 years ago. The ability to control fire allowed for so much human freedom, both in terms of geographical movement, extending waking hours and most potently that sitting around the fire was the beginning of early language development.

In Mayan culture we see acts such as burning fields as a transition across cycles of times. They viewed fire as cleansing, restorative and burning away the old to make the new. The Maya wrote about their rituals of fire in their classic period (A.D 250-900) inscriptions. The most important are ‘och k’ank’ (fire entering) and ‘el-naah’ (house-censing), rites were directed at both their homes but even found within the tombs of Mayan Royalty. Even today every year in Guatemala, on December 7, people burn piles of household garbage as means to cleanse their homes on the eve of the Feast of the Immaculate

Conception. In ancient times, we find evidence that the Maya lit even entire houses in rites of renewal.

Fire is such a potent subject, full of magic, danger, promise and the innate mesmerising quality that commands a silent respect, bestowing in its glowing flames a returning calmness. As we continue to further understand the connection between the mind and body’s health, we appreciate the need to look holistically at ourselves when searching for a cure to illness. Calmness is something that we relate to hermitage, meditation and deep religious orders. Though we may not be afforded the time for taking such time for sanctity we can perhaps find this in lighting a fire.

We recently undertook a survey asking the primary reasons that people have chosen to purchase a stove. Apart from the practical reasons such as for warmth and cooking, a significant number of the respondents stated their purchase was led by the purpose of well-being. Learning to lay a fire in itself has the distinct reward of being in the moment and working with our physicality and senses to bring in the kindling and the logs..

There is a strong intuitive understanding within ancient cultures that a fire holds the promise of improving our well being. As we consider that sitting by a fire brought about early forms of language development, it seems there are more expansive possibilities waiting to be discovered within the stillness of the flickering flames.

My heart grew hot within me. While I meditated, the fire burned; Psalm 39:3

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. Psalm 62:5


If you haven’t read Dammy Ponnuthurai’s piece on ‘storytelling’ click here – we highly recommend it! 


As environmental concerns continue to shape the UK’s regulatory landscape, advancements in stove technology have been made to meet stringent eco-friendly standards. Multi-fuel stoves, widely popular for their versatility, efficiency, and aesthetic appeal, are not exempt from these regulations.

In this article, we will explore the latest regulations and rules governing multi-fuel stoves in 2023, with a focus on Ecodesign, planning permission, fuel liners, hearth requirements, and ventilation regulations in the UK.


What is Ecodesign?

Ecodesign is an initiative by the European Union to improve the energy efficiency and environmental performance of products, including stoves and fireplaces. It came into effect in the UK on January 1st 2022.

In the UK, Ecodesign regulations have been embraced as part of the government’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change and, as of 2023, all newly-manufactured stoves must meet the Ecodesign standards, ensuring lower emissions and higher efficiency compared to older models. Ecodesign sets out maximum emission levels of PM (Particulate Matter), CO (Carbon Monoxide), OGC (Organic Gaseous Compounds) and NOx (Nitrogen Oxide).

Ecodesign only affects those room-heating appliances made available for sale from 2022 onwards; stoves and fireplaces already installed will not be affected.


Will Ecodesign affect the heat produced in a multi-fuel stove?

No, the implementation of Ecodesign regulations does not necessarily impact the heat output of multi-fuel stoves. The primary aim of Ecodesign is to reduce harmful emissions, making these stoves more environmentally friendly. Manufacturers have adapted by employing innovative design features and technology to maintain or even improve heat output while complying with the Ecodesign standards.

Discover more about multi-fuel stoves.


Is planning permission required to install a multi-fuel stove?

In most cases, installing a multi-fuel stove in the UK does not require planning permission. Permitted Development Rights (PDR) allow homeowners to make certain improvements to their property without seeking planning permission. Under PDR, you can install a multi-fuel stove, provided it meets specific criteria, such as not being installed on a listed building or within a designated conservation area. However, it is always recommended to consult with your local planning authority or a professional installer to ensure compliance with local regulations.


Is it a legal requirement to have a flue liner?

While it’s not a legal requirement, using a fuel liner is highly recommended when installing a multi-fuel stove. A flue liner is a flue or chimney lining that ensures proper venting of combustion gases and helps prevent dangerous emissions, such as carbon monoxide, from entering your living space. A fuel liner will increase efficiency, help keep your chimney clean and improve safety.

Your wood burning stove needs to meet the building regulations listed in Document J, which recommends (but does not require) that flue liners are used.


Top Hearth Requirements

The hearth is the base on which the multi-fuel stove sits, and it must meet certain requirements to comply with UK regulations. The top hearth, also known as the stove hearth or constructional hearth, must be made from a non-combustible material, such as stone, concrete, or a suitable hearth pad such as enamel. It should extend a certain distance beyond the stove’s footprint to prevent accidental fires. The specific dimensions and constructional requirements may vary based on the stove’s heat output and other factors, so it is vital to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and UK building regulations.


Ventilation Requirements

Proper ventilation is essential to ensure the safe operation of a multi-fuel stove. Adequate air supply allows for efficient combustion and reduces the risk of carbon monoxide build-up.

The ventilation requirements of your home will depend in part on when it was built; homes built after 2008 are designed to have an air permeability of 5m3/hm2 or less, due to the increased energy efficiency. Homes built before 2008 are unlikely to meet this level of air permeability. You can have your stove fitter test your home’s air permeability.

For homes with an air permeability of 5m3/hm2 or more, i.e. most older homes, ventilation is only required for stoves with heat outputs above 5kW, and this is done in increments of 550mm2. For example, a 6kW heat output would require 550mm2, a 7kW heat output requires 1100mm2, an 8kW heat output requires 1650mm2 and so on.

For homes with an air permeability of 5m3/hm2 or less, i.e. any home built since 2008, and some homes built before, the increments of 550mm2 start from 0, so a 1kW heat output would require 550mm2, a 2kW heat output requires 1100mm2, and a 3kW heat output requires 1650mm2.

This ventilation can be achieved through vents in the wall or an air brick. Installers must carefully calculate the required ventilation to meet building regulations.


Why Choose Us?

Charnwood has been committed to providing quality wood burning stoves since 1972 and we know all there is to know about wood burners and their regulations. If you have any questions about heating your home with a wood burning stove, please get in touch.



If you’re looking to transform your shed into a cosy retreat or a functional workspace, a wood burning stove can be the perfect addition. Not only does it provide efficient heating during cold months, but it also brings a rustic charm and warm ambience to your shed space.

However, before embarking on the journey of installing a log burner in your shed, there are crucial aspects to consider. From regulations and safety requirements to cost estimates and proper sizing, this comprehensive guide is designed to equip you with all the essential information you need to make informed decisions and ensure a successful installation.


Can I install a log burner in my shed?

In short, yes. A wood burning stove can be a fantastic addition to a shed, providing warmth and comfort while also giving the space a cosy atmosphere. However, they need to be installed properly and you may be better off in the long run hiring a professional to do it.

Firstly, size does matter – your shed needs to be big enough to accommodate not only the log burner but also the space required between the burner and any combustible materials, which may include the shed’s walls!

As part of scoping out your shed’s suitability for housing a wood burning stove, check the materials used to construct it. Wooden sheds are common, but some materials might not be suitable for log burner installations due to fire safety concerns. You may be required to fit non-combustible surfaces around and behind the log burner to make it safe. Take a look at our stove pod or Vlaze wall and floor panels : Both of these offer a very practical solution.

You also need to make sure that your shed has proper ventilation. Combustion requires oxygen, and without sufficient airflow, the wood burning stove may not burn efficiently or could even become a safety hazard due to the build-up of carbon monoxide.


How much does it cost to install a wood burning stove in a shed?

The cost of installing a wood burning stove in a shed can vary depending on several factors, including the type of log burner, shed size, materials, and labour costs.

The price of the stove itself ranges from a few hundred to £1,500 or more, depending on the features. You’ll also need a flue pipe and a chimney installation. The cost of these components typically ranges from £150 to £500. Installing a non-combustible hearth beneath the stove is essential and can cost around £100 to £300.

Hiring a professional installer is highly recommended to ensure safety and compliance. Labour costs might range from £500 to £1000 or more, depending on the complexity of the installation. While this is a sizeable outlay, it could save you money overall.


Regulations for installing a wood burning stove in a shed

In the UK, installing a wood burning stove in a shed is subject to a number of safety guidelines.

There must be a safe distance between the wood burning stove and any combustible materials like wood, plastic, or insulation. Typically, the required distance is 60cm from the sides and 80cm from the front of the stove. There isn’t a legal minimum requirement so these distances vary by model and manufacturer.

The chimney height should conform to specific requirements, usually at least 4.5 meters from the top of the stove to the flue exit point. The chimney should use an appropriate flue liner to ensure the safe passage of smoke and gases.

A carbon monoxide detector must be installed in the shed to alert occupants if there is a potential build-up of this harmful gas.

The installation should be carried out by a qualified and registered professional who is familiar with building regulations and safety standards.

Does dampness affect the appliance?

Yes, dampness can impact the efficiency and safety of the log burner. Moisture can affect the structural integrity of the stove and its components. Additionally, damp wood can lead to incomplete combustion, producing excess smoke, creosote, and harmful gases.

To prevent dampness from affecting the appliance:

• Use only well-seasoned firewood with a moisture content of around 20% or less – dry firewood burns more efficiently and produces less smoke.

• Store firewood off the ground and protect it from rain and snow by using a woodshed or covering.

• Ensure your shed has adequate ventilation to allow for proper air circulation. Good ventilation helps to prevent moisture buildup inside the shed.

• Invest in a moisture meter to regularly check the moisture content of your firewood.

• Clean your wood burning stove and flue regularly to remove any accumulated ash, debris or creosote.

• Install a chimney cap on top of the flue to protect it from rainwater and debris

• Regularly inspect the roof, chimney, and flue for any signs of leaks. Address any issues promptly to prevent water from entering the shed and affecting the wood burning stove.

• If possible, position the log burner away from potential sources of dampness, such as leaky windows or doors, or anywhere water might drip onto it.

• In cases where dampness is a persistent issue, consider using a dehumidifier inside the shed. A dehumidifier helps to reduce excess moisture in the air and creates a drier environment.


Best Wood burning Stove Sizes

The best size will depend on your shed’s dimensions and insulation levels. A stove that is too large may overheat the space, while one that is too small may not provide sufficient heat. To determine the best size, calculate the cubic meters of the shed by multiplying the length, width, and height, and take note of your shed walls’ thickness and composition. Then, consult a specialist; they’ll be able to recommend a stove size based on your shed’s measurements and insulation.


Sealing a Roof When Installing a Wood burning Stove

Properly sealing the roof where the flue penetrates is crucial to prevent leaks and maintain the shed’s weather resistance.  Install a flue pipe collar around the flue pipe where it exits the roof, then use a weatherproof sealant to fill any gaps or joints. This provides a watertight seal and prevents water from entering the shed.

Always consider hiring a professional roofer or installer to ensure the roof sealing is done correctly and complies with building regulations. Remember to check and comply with local regulations and obtain necessary permits before installing a wood burning stove in your shed. Safety should always be the top priority, and professional installation is highly recommended.


Why Choose Us?

We’ve been committed to providing quality wood burning stoves since 1972 and we know all there is to know about wood burners, wherever they’re installed. If you have any questions about heating your home with a wood burning stove, please get in touch.



The next in a series of essays by Dammy Ponnuthurai is on the subject of ‘gathering’. Dammy is the author of Midnight Feasts: An Anthology of Midnight Feasts & Late Night Munchies, and co-founder of Dammy (a workwear jacket brand riffing on the chef’s jacket). She is also the former founder of Crane cookware used by the Charnwood team in many of our photo and video shoots.


“When we don’t examine the deeper assumptions behind why we gather, we end up skipping too quickly to replicating old, staid formats of gathering. And we forgo the possibility of creating something memorable, even transformative.” – From the Art of Gathering by Priya Parker 

We are able to communicate in more ways than ever before, yet doctors across the UK report that loneliness pervades all social groups, and suggest finding the prescription for this may help to alleviate oversubscribed GP’s waiting rooms. Whilst the internet has granted us the flexibility of crossing geography and time zones,  nothing can replace the moment that togetherness brings. Walking through Victoria Park at the end of the August bank holiday weekend with thoughts of the end of summer, I was stopped by hearing the cacophony of voices singing behind stadium gates on the last day of the annual East music festival. The feeling of being part of this festival gathering whilst only standing outside the gates made me consider a newly learnt concept of Polyphony. This phenomena is described in a passage in Merlin Sheldrake’s book Entangled Life. He refers to a recording by an American musicologist of the Aka people, in the Central African Republic where no one voice loses its identity, yet neither does it steal the show. “Although each voice is free to wander, their wanderings can’t be seen as separate from the others. There is no main voice. There is no lead tune. There is no central voice. Nonetheless a form Emerges.” 

In our daily working lives and in the presentation to others of ‘what we do & who we are’, there is often the pitting against flex, showing ourselves to be more accomplished. However, striving for individuality we may risk losing the insight of the voice that speaks the quietest. Gathering occurs chiefly around food, music and art, prompting us out of our individual selves and enabling us to look up and into the wider world we inhabit. We just have to look at our feathered friends to understand the intelligence of gathering. 

The most startling of all is that of the starling, “Each bird in a murmuration is a participant and leader within a complex and ever evolving system. Each has the power to shape the direction and shape the whole system with the power to create entirely new constellations”. 

Arguably, what sets humans apart from the rest of the natural world is our self awareness, which has led to insularity and individualism. When we are able to exist in the moment without guile is in social groups; here we are able to release our sense of self and day to day preoccupations. In these groups we can be at one with nature, social animals thriving in the company of each other. 

Perhaps at a fundamental level, we are able to realise when we gather, how much a part of nature we are. Whilst we like to separate our species in its uniqueness, we are like – and of course share genes with – all organisms with all living organisms. Have you ever noticed that despite the fact that a stove heats the entire room in which it sits, we as groups huddle near its flames, becoming even closer. As birds throng together in the sky, as penguins huddle close on the ice, as various species congregate at the same water source. The stove for humans brings us together, not only from the feeling of being closer to the heat for warmth but utilising the stove for cooking simultaneously. The intimacy and connection to this makes it feel like whatever food it delivers will be more delicious than one that could be cooked on with a regular kitchen stove. Perhaps it’s in the wonder in its role as heat provider and nourishment that holds our attention and brings a group together in a less perfunctory way than an induction hob. Being part of the cooking is not only in the sourcing, chopping and creating the dish itself but in actually collecting the logs, kindling and laying the fire. 

A form of gathering at its simplest level is the family kitchen, which – however crowded it becomes – is always the core of the action in a home. It is always so bemusing and sometimes frustrating! How small children, even within wider spaces, stay close to adults and in this way they create a close group gentleness. The ultimate sense of gathering where we are not so focussed on our individual being but the shared touch and connection to the other. A more poignant example of gathering in and shared group experience is amidst the brutal hardship of war. In the beautiful book by Hubert Mingarelli, ‘Four Soldiers’, set in 1919 during the Russian Civil War, the soldiers set up camp together on The Romanian Front line. The book describes so poetically a sense of love between the men through steps such as making their temporary home. The glowing appreciation of working together and the shared joy. It talks of how they get through the harshest winter with the warmth from their togetherness eeking out food, enjoying the opportunity of strong tea, waiting, speaking and smoking. There is a deep reward often found in the darkest moments revealed to us a little like the murmurations in the unity of action, where there is no leader but shared movement and a hearing of all voices is where beauty is found. 

“And let us consider one another in order to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching”  

(Hebrews 10:24)


If you haven’t read Dammy Ponnuthurai’s piece on ‘storytelling’ click here – we highly recommend it! 



Similar to a wood burning stove in design and appearance, a multi-fuel stove enables you to  burn coal and mineral fuels in addition to wood, making it a versatile and functional heating solution for your home.

The main difference in the design of a multi-fuel stove is that it features a grate with a removable ash-pan enabling you to burn different fuels at their best efficiency.


How does a multi-fuel stove work?

Just like a wood burning stove a multi-fuel stove has a number of different components, including the firebox where the fuel is loaded and lit, a door that provides easy access for loading the fuel and lighting the fire, a glass window so that you can watch your fire burning, a flue to draw the emissions into the chimney and an air vent that provides an air supply, while controlling how quickly the fuel burns. Coal and mineral fuels burn most efficiently with under grate air whereas wood burns best on a bed of ash.

The Charnwood converting grate switches from a flat bed to an open grate with flick of a lever on the side. This can also be used as an effective riddling mechanism depositing ash and embers into the removable ashpan below. The riddling can be untaken with the doors closed ensuring mess is kept to a minimum. This grate is built into our Island, Cove, Skye, Arc, SLX and Country boiler ranges.

Charnwood also offer a reciprocating grate: a retro-fit grate that converts our C-Series and Country models (non-Blu) into multi-fuel appliances

Contemporary multi-fuel stoves are extremely energy efficient. With this in mind, it’s no surprise that this functional and aesthetically pleasing heating solution has increased in popularity in recent years.

How to light a multi-fuel stove

It’s easy to light a multi-fuel stove and, as long as you adopt the right technique, it is also extremely safe. We recommend the top down method – simply follow these steps:

Set the grate to the correct burning position. Open grate for mineral fuels or a flat bed for wood.

Place your chosen fuel on the stove bed.

On top of this build a stack of 6-8 kindling sticks

Then place a natural fire lighter inside

Fully open the air control for maximum air intake and a quick and easy ignition

Light the fire lighter and close the door but leave it slightly a jar

This helps to heat the chimney flue and burn hot and clean

Once the fire is burning well close the door and reduce the air intake

Re-fuel little and often

Every time a log or fuel is added open the air control again until the fire is burning well and then return the control to normal

By running your stove in this way you will achieve maximum efficiency with minimum emissions

Learn more on how to light a multi-fuel stove.

How long does a multi-fuel stove last?

If you maintain and burn your multi-fuel stove correctly you could enjoy it for many decades. Of course, you can expect to have to replace certain consumable parts during this time such as door seals, glass and fire bricks but at Charnwood we hold good stock of all components past and present that can be ordered from our online shop.

If you’re considering buying a multi-fuel stove, please get in touch.


Why Choose Us?

At Charnwood Stoves, we’re not just about providing stoves; we’re dedicated to delivering exceptional heating solutions tailored to your needs. With decades of experience, we’ve perfected the art of crafting high-quality, reliable multi-fuel stoves that stand the test of time. Our commitment to sustainability drives us to create products that are not only efficient but also environmentally conscious.

What sets us apart is our unwavering focus on innovation. Our team stay at the forefront of stove technology, ensuring our products are equipped with the latest advancements for optimal performance. From design to production, every Charnwood stove is a testament to our passion for warmth, efficiency, and style.

Get in touch with us today.


More people than ever before are using a wood burning stove to heat their homes.

With the ability to quickly and effectively heat up a single room or even an entire home, wood burning stoves are one of the most efficient ways to heat a space. Of course, wood burning stoves also look great and can add an exciting focal point to any room.

If you’re thinking about investing in a wood burning stove, you’re in the right place. Here’s our guide to everything you need to know about using one.

Correct installation

We always recommend that you buy your stove through an official Charnwood stockist, where the installation and after-sales support will be of a standard approved by us.
It is important your stove is installed by either by a HETAS registered engineer or in accordance to building regulations (refer to document J )

All official Charnwood Stockists will offer this service and by purchasing through this channel you will also qualify for our 10 year dealer backed guarantee.


Familiarise yourself with our stove instruction guide

First and foremost, when you are having your wood burning stove installed, it’s important to familiarise yourself with our instruction guide, so that you know how to get the best from your stove.

Explore more on how to install a wood-burning stove.


Choosing the right fuel

Next, you’ll need to choose the right fuel for your stove, either a hardwood or a softwood fuel. Failure to use the correct fuel can affect how long your fire burns, increase fuel costs, and damage the internal parts of your woodburning stove. It can even cause damage to the stove body or flue system.

To light your stove we recommend the top down method.

1) Clear the grate of ash then Place 2-3 smaller logs on the stove bed
2) On top of this build a stack of 6-8 kindling sticks
3) Then place a natural fire lighter inside
4) Fully open the air control for maximum air intake and a quick and easy ignition
5) Light the fire lighter and close the door but leave it slightly a jar
6) This helps to heat the chimney flue and burn hot and clean
7) Once the fire is burning well close the door and reduce the air intake
8) Re-fuel little and often
9) Every time a log is added open the air control again until the fire is burning well and then return the control to normal

By running your stove in this way you will achieve maximum efficiency with minimum emissions

To find out more about using your Charnwood wood burning stove, please get in touch.

Find out more about our approved wood-burning stove fuel.


Why Choose Us?

Selecting the right wood-burning stove is a significant decision, and at Charnwood Stoves, we’re here to make that choice clear and rewarding. With decades of expertise, we excel in producing stoves that marry functionality with elegance, enhancing your living space while providing efficient heating.

Our commitment to sustainability sets us apart. Our team take pride in crafting stoves that not only warm your home but also contribute to a greener planet. By choosing Charnwood Stoves, you’re investing in a product that balances performance with environmental responsibility.

Innovation is at the heart of our philosophy. We’re dedicated to staying at the forefront of stove technology, ensuring our products are equipped with the latest advancements for optimal use. When you choose us, you’re choosing a legacy of quality, style, and warmth that will enrich your home for years to come. Experience the Charnwood difference today by getting in touch with our team.



As energy bills continue to soar and households across the UK are preparing to manoeuvre what is set to be another challenging winter, many of us are looking for alternative solutions to heat our homes.

If you’re considering opting for a wood-burning stove and are wondering whether or not it is eco-friendly, you’ve landed in the right place. We’ve created a helpful guide outlining everything you need to know.


What is a wood-burning stove?

A wood-burning stove is a self-contained heating appliance designed to produce indoor heat through the process of wood combustion.

More and more households are opting for wood burning stoves to heat their home as it gives them fuel independence from the larger utility companies.

Modern wood-burning stoves or log burners are considered to be more efficient and cheaper to run than traditional gas and electric heaters, making them a great choice for those looking to stay warm and cut costs at the same time.


How does a wood-burning stove work?

Wood burning stoves provide a controlled heating solution that burns wood safely, whilst heating a space at the same time. For those looking for affordable wood burning stoves, the market offers various options that balance cost with quality. In the UK, wood burning stoves are popular for their efficiency and aesthetic appeal.

There are no electrical components in a wood stove; instead, they are powered by manual input – in other words, the wood or fuel that is set alight. Here’s a brief overview of how a wood burning stove operates:

 Wood is placed inside the stove’s firebox, which is surrounded by fireproof walls.

 The wood burning stove’s air vents control the amount of airflow to the firebox, which allows the wood to burn efficiently and slowly.

  The stove’s metal enclosure radiates heat which ensures spaces of all shapes and sizes remain warm and toasty.

For those with limited space, small wood burning stoves offer a compact yet effective solution to keep your home cosy.

Explore more on how to use a wood-burning stove.


Is burning wood bad for the environment?

This is a question that continues to crop up and there have been some very misleading articles and campaigns in recent years that suggest bu. The answer depends on how it is burnt and the source of the wood being burned. If wood is properly seasoned and burnt on an modern, Ecodesign wood burning stove then the impact on the environment is minimal. You can read more here.

Are wood-burning stoves environmentally friendly?

Wood burning stoves are considered to be one of the most environmentally friendly ways of heating your home, especially when it comes to reducing your carbon footprint.


Benefits of a wood-burning stove

Wood burning stoves offer a number of benefits, including the following:

Stylish – wood burning stoves are aesthetically pleasing and bring a sense of well being

 Flexible placement – they can be installed in various locations around the home

Economical – a wood burning stove can be cheaper to run than other types of heating, reducing utility bills

 Environmentally friendly – less damaging to the environment than other types of heating

 Provides reliable heating, even during power outages.


How much wood does a wood burner use?

This depends on a number of factors, however generally speaking, if you use your wood burner a few evenings a week over the winter, you will need 3-4 cubic metres of wood.


What wood is best for a wood-burning stove?

The best type of wood to use with a wood burning stove is hardwood, such as Beech, Elm, Birch, and Oak. For those considering affordable wood burning stoves in the UK, selecting the right wood is crucial for maximising efficiency.

When choosing hardwood for your wood burning stove, including small wood burning stoves, you should keep in mind that the heavier the wood, the greater the heat output. This also means that the wood will burn for longer, limiting the number of times you will need to refill.

Find out more about our approved wood-burning stove fuel.


How to make a wood-burning stove more efficient?

There are a number of different ways that you can optimise the efficiency of your wood burning stove, including:

 Ensuring you light the fire correctly

 Always use the correct amount of fuel

Always use the best type of wood – remember hardwood is the best and it should have a moisture content of less than 20%

Maintaining an efficient temperature and always controlly airflows

 Circulating the heat from your wood stove

Have your chimney and flue swept regularly (twice a year)

Maintaining your stove


What to look for in an environmentally friendly log burner

When looking for an environmentally friendly log burner, you should look for a ClearSkies rated stove


Why choose us?

Founded in 1972, we are a privately owned, family-controlled, British company that specialises in the design and manufacture of high-quality wood burning and multifuel stoves. We are committed to providing the highest quality stoves, at the best possible price.

Here at Charnwood, our team operate a policy of caring for the environment in all aspects of the business; from the products we design, to the way we package them, to the way we transport them, to the way we deal with the disposal of waste products, to the vehicles we use to our choice of raw materials.


Get in touch now

If you have any questions about our wood burning stoves, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team today.



This is the first in a series of essays by Dammy Ponnuthurai. Dammy is the author of Midnight Feasts: An Anthology of Midnight Feasts & Late Night Munchies, and co-founder of Dammy (a workwear jacket brand riffing on the chef’s jacket). She is also the former founder of Crane cookware used by the Charnwood team in many of our photo and video shoots. When it comes to food, everything she touches turns to gold delicious. Without further ado, here is Dammy Ponnuthurai on Storytelling… 


All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.” – William Shakespeare, ‘As you Like it’

As the nights draw in and we set our minds towards wrapping up , autumnal soups and stews, the end of the day holds the promise of a lit fire and time to slow down with the marrying of the change in light. One such joy of slowing down is the luxury of opening a book, and this has become even more treasured as our lives are governed in a large part by immediate tech based communication. Enveloping ourselves in a story enables us to change gear – in fact according to neuroscience research reading fiction enables an opening of our empathetic pathway. We depend on this empathy to allow our minds to open to stories, without which we risk stagnating within the tightly set perception of our own preconceived ideas.

The ancient art of storytelling predates writing, using oral narrative, gesture and even painted symbols. We can all imagine that intimate time as the light fades at the end of the day where ancient communities without the conveniences of electricity, were simply absorbing the light and warmth of the fire. The animated spoken sharing of stories married with the ancient art of drawing we find all over the world. The Australian aboriginal people painted symbols as a means of helping the storyteller remember the story, and since humans have carved into trees to record folktales in pictures.

Ancient stories range from the familial, the historical to the religious and spiritual. There is a materiality to the way that the drawings took shape both in their content but also in the form of canvas chosen to record the memory of the story. In Japan the earliest form of Manga could be found on paper scrolls,in Mexico above doorways in the form of lintels, in the Middle East by Assyrians through elaborate stone work, in Africa and Australia painted on rocks, in China within bronze mirrors and in 5th Century Rome through the passion caskets in Ivory. There are of course many more examples across all cultures; the human dedication to storytelling is infinitely tied into all of our cultural heritage and history.

William Shakespeare as one of the world’s foremost storytellers, helps illustrate this point well. We may often think of his stories as fictional tales, make believe. Yet the success of Shakespeare is rooted in the relatability of his characters and plots – from Othello’s jealousy to Demitrius’ lust, from Hamlet’s grief to Don Pedro’s wit. From the minor to the major aspects we are living the stories we have been retelling for generations.

We have all had those moments, maybe at the top of a mountain as dawn breaks, or a roaring fire at Christmas, which holds a special focal point as we share the stories of the year gone by and the ones we imagine going forwards. The essence here is we can feel the possibility of colouring outside the lines of our daily existence.

In the tale of Prince Siddartha we read the tale of a privileged Prince whose father the King has worked to from encountering any of the world’s hardship. Siddartha was cosseted by beauty and luxury, with even his trips outside the palace wall heavily choreographed by his doting father, who instructed that the streets were filled with flowers and only beautiful healthy crowds. Legend says his experience of leaving the palace produced the first signs of cracks to his rose tinted life, as he saw people in the crowd that did not meet the expectations set by his father. Whilst Siddartha’s questions on the suffering he glimpsed on those trips were ushered away with excuses, the young Prince grew restless and ended up leaving the palace under the cover of night to begin the journey of enlightenment and to discovering through hardship a new story and through his own journey was able to share a bigger story of a oneness with humanity that has remained as a positive set of principles for living with a shared consciousness towards the other.

Stories that stand the test of time comprise so many layers, and have provided us with a way for sharing and interpreting the breadth of experience that life offers. Stories enable us to bridge national, cultural and generational divides. They include the things we suggest and tell ourselves to provide a vision for at best the moment, that day or year ahead, stories mirror our experience of the world and therefore allow learning from lives beyond our own.

Perhaps one of the most over used words of our times is the sense we are all so ‘busy’. We can feel the self creaking as we make the expression, but in that moment after a long day and the fire is lit, we can sit and gaze at the flames with the possibility of a silent retreat into our imaginations. Whether that moment is shared or alone, like the fluid movement of the flames themselves, stories have the capacity to move us in unexpected ways.

All Jesus did that day was tell stories—a long storytelling afternoon. His storytelling fulfilled the prophecy: I will open my mouth and tell stories; I will bring out into the open things hidden since the world’s first day.

Matthew 13:34-35



If you like what you have read then her latest podcast is really worth a listen – Click here to listen! 



Wood burning stoves have long been a staple in many homes, providing warmth and a cosy atmosphere during colder months. However, like any appliance, these stoves have a finite lifespan. Understanding when it’s time to replace your wood burning stove is essential for maintaining safety, efficiency, and comfort in your living space.

In this article, we delve into what to look out for when it’s time to bid farewell to your trusty old wood burning stove and welcome a newer, more efficient model into your home.


What is the Lifespan of a Wood Burning Stove?

On average, a well-maintained wood burning stove can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years and sometimes longer. The ingenuity behind Charnwood stoves lies in their modular design, allowing the majority of components to be replaced gradually as needed. However, it’s important to note that there might eventually come a time where the stove body itself reaches the end of its lifespan.

The primary determinant of a stove’s lifespan is the materials used in its construction. High-quality stoves crafted from durable materials such as cast iron or steel tend to have longer lifespans. Cast iron stoves are known for their robustness and ability to withstand high temperatures, while steel stoves are lighter and offer durability when properly cared for.

The longevity of a wood burning stove also depends on other factors, including its usage, maintenance and environmental factors, such as excessive moisture.

Also find out how a wood-burning stove can help reduce energy bills.


Are Newer Wood Burning Stoves More Efficient?

In recent years, advancements in stove technology have led to the development of more efficient and eco-friendly models. These newer stoves are designed to burn wood more efficiently, generating more heat with less fuel consumption and emitting fewer pollutants.

When considering the lifespan of your wood burning stove, it’s worth weighing the benefits of upgrading to a newer model that not only extends the longevity of the appliance but also offers enhanced performance and reduced environmental impact.

A new initiative from the EU, Ecodesign, has been brought in to improve the energy efficiency and environmental impact of all stoves, including wood burning stoves.


Signs That Your Wood Burning Stove Needs Replacing


One of the key indicators that it’s time to replace your wood burning stove is warping. Over time, intense heat exposure can cause the metal components of the stove to warp, affecting its structural integrity. Warping can lead to gaps in the seams, which may result in heat leakage, decreased efficiency, and even potential safety hazards.


Cracks and Splits

Cracks and splits are clear signals that your wood burning stove has reached the end of its useful life. Cracks, especially in the firebox or other critical areas, can allow smoke and fumes to escape into your living space, posing health risks. Regular maintenance and cleaning can help prevent cracks, but once it becomes widespread, replacement becomes the safer choice.


Broken Door

The door of a wood burning stove plays a critical role in ensuring the stove operates safely and efficiently. If you’re experiencing difficulty in closing or sealing the door properly, it could indicate a problem with the hinges, gaskets, or other components. A broken or ill-fitting door can lead to improper combustion, inefficient burning, and potential escape of harmful gases. You may be able to repair or replace the door, however, in some cases, it may be better to replace the stove altogether.

Increased Smoke Levels

An increase in smoke levels or the presence of smoke within your home when using the wood burning stove is a clear sign that something is amiss. It could be due to poor ventilation, a blocked chimney, or even an issue with the stove itself. Inefficient burning can lead to the production of more smoke, which not only decreases indoor air quality but also shows that the stove is not operating at its best.


More Fuel for Less Heat

As wood burning stoves age, their efficiency tends to decline. If you find that you’re using more fuel than usual to achieve the same level of heat output, it’s an indicator that your stove’s performance is diminishing. This situation not only puts a dent in your pocket due to increased wood consumption but also contributes to higher emissions. Investing in a newer, more efficient stove can result in substantial long-term savings on fuel costs.

Explore more about wood-burning stoves.


Why Choose Us?

As the stove approaches the end of its expected lifespan, it’s essential to pay close attention to signs of wear and deterioration. If efficiency drops, visible damage such as warping or cracks occur, or repairs become increasingly frequent and costly, it might be an indication that the stove has reached the end of its useful life.

Upgrading to a more modern model not only enhances the aesthetics of your living space but also contributes to reducing your carbon footprint. The increased efficiency of newer stoves means you’ll need less fuel to achieve the same or even better heat output, leading to significant long-term savings.

Charnwood has been committed to providing quality wood burning stoves since 1972 and we know all there is to know about getting the most out of wood burners and how to choose your next wood burning stove. If you have any questions about heating your home with a wood burning stove, please get in touch.