
This blog is a review and closer look at the results of the Charnwood Stove Accessory Survey 2022. A survey of over 1000 wood-burning stove users with the aim of better understanding stove accessory preferences and usage.

We were delighted to receive such an incredible response from our engaged wood-stove community. From discovering the most popular stove accessory to users’ other must-haves and how easy people find them to use – many interesting and useful insights were gained!

Read on to learn about the Charnwood Stove Accessory Survey and the other top wood-burning stove accessories!

The results

A woodstove is a wonderful addition to the home. Those of you who are new owners will be starting to notice how much more you are enjoying the colder evenings than before. What you will also notice is the ritual of building and maintaining a fire is much easier with the right tools.

The answers to the following questions will provide some ideas about which stove accessories you should consider next!

What is the most popular wood-burning stove accessory?

The results in the graph above show that the trusty Stove Pipe Thermometer is the most popular wood-burning stove accessory with 29% of the vote. 99% of respondents also found it easy to use.

Stove Pipe Thermometer

It’s perhaps no surprise that the trusty Stove (Flue) Pipe Thermometer is the favourite accessory of stove users. It is a crucial tool for conscientious wood stove users who prioritise safety and efficiency.

The ideal wood burning temperature range is between 140 and 240 degrees Celsius (284 to 464 degrees Fahrenheit) which avoids damage to the stove and a potential fire hazard from creosote buildup.

How to adjust the fire temperature?

To reach a sufficient temperature, ensure a good draft, use seasoned wood and build the fire correctly ensuring your fire burns hot enough. To reduce the temperature of your fire when in use, you can close the air vents.

Which of the following do you consider ‘Must Have’ stove accessories?

Here are some quotes from survey participants relating to the top 7 ‘Must-Have’ stove accessories.

Log Storage/Basket

“Having a full wood basket during these crazy days makes me feel safe and secure, whatever happens I know I have heat and hot water and light.”

“Keeps all the logs tidy and looks great beside the stove. Also useful for carrying in logs from the store outside!”

“Add to the aesthetics of the fireplace and is obviously useful for keeping wood supplies topped up.”

“It reminds me of my grandparents’ days as they always had one. It also keeps all my logs safe and tidy away from the children.”

“A good quality basket enhances the look of the stove as well as being practical.”

“My log basket really enhances both the look and the “feel” of my log burner.”

“Keeps my living room very tidy. Really neat and elegant looking item. Sturdy and robust”

“Looks great and saves having to leave the room/ go outside for logs.”

“It adds to the ambient feeling of the room when partially or fully loaded but I suppose more importantly it stops me from having to pop outside too frequently to get more logs, thus letting me enjoy the fire uninterrupted.”

“It saves us fighting about who is going to get more logs when it’s cold!”

For a full range of log holder storage click here!

Stove Pipe Thermometer

“Ensures I always know the temperature my stove is at as to whether I need to add more fuel or calm it down.”

“Makes it so much easier to see if my fire is working at optimum temperature and if I need to adjust amount of wood/air flow.”

“Because it allows us to check whether we are burning at too hot a temperature or too cool. We use both hardwood and softwoods so it would be difficult to know without this vital tool.”

“It means that I always burn my logs in the most economical and environmentally friendly way.”

“I hadn’t realised just how hot the stove gets at full output making this an essential piece of it when topping it up with firewood.”

“It allows me to regulate my stove temperature to maximise the life of the stove and have efficient burning of my wood”

“Ensures the fire is hot enough to keep down the accumulation of creosote. Wouldn’t be without it!”

“I constantly use it to check that the stove is burning in its optimum range for efficiency and to prevent damage and tarring.”

“Invaluable, the little thermometer lets me know when the fire is at optimal temperature and I can then maintain that temperature throughout operation. Probably helps conserve wood too, a great bit of kit.”

“Just gives you so much information in regards to heat output from different fuel types, different wood species, hard woods, softer woods. It really allows you to dial in the stove to get the best from it.”

“This provides us with an idea of how well the stove is burning. For example, over the last two years we have been testing wood purchased from sellers and our own seasoned wood and the stove pipe thermometer gives us a real measure of the heat output (even though most of the time, we can tell the difference ourselves based on how nice the room feels). It also helps us regulate the flu for optimal burn. We learned a lot using the stove pipe thermometer about our stove and the wood we burn.”

“It reassures me that I have the right burn, low emissions and great heat output.”

“As an engineer I love indisputable visual indication of when things are operating correctly! Such a simple device and has definitely altered how we ‘set’ our stove.”

You can get a Charnwood Stove Pipe Thermometer here!

Stove Gloves

“Without them it would be very difficult and dangerous to use the burner”

“Only burn your fingers once to realise they are useful!!!”

“Provides confidence in 100% protection when refueling the stove.”

“Really effective and protects hands while loading logs”

“Just love them, total safety when loading the stove”

“Because it stops me blistering my hands.”

“Offers safety when handling logs, opening & closing stove and promotes attention to avoiding burns.”

“Makes me feel safe when stove has become very hot”

“They just make life so much easier handling logs and placing logs in the stove. No splinters or burns!”

Watch this space – Charnwood stove gloves are on the way!

Dustpan & Brush

“It makes emptying the stove so much easier and cleaner, the house is relatively dust free after clearing.”

“It helps to keep the room relatively dust free”

“Keeping the hearth clean and tidy stops ash and debris, from the stove and wood pile underneath it, from spreading to the floor and messing up the room.”

“Whenever the stove is used it is necessary to clean up small amounts of ash that fall out. The brush and pan are thus used very frequently.”

“The dustpan & brush makes removing the Ash so much easier, our charnwood is used every day from October to February so we collect a lot of Ash which we use as compost. We have other accessories but they don’t see as much use as the pan & brush.”


“An absolute must have accessory to reposition burning logs and coal.”

“Can re-arrange wood in the stove when going, safely.”

“Brilliant for getting fire going”

“I like poking the fire! Breaking it down to a bed of hot burning wood so I can get more fuel in!”

“I can poke the logs to get maximum burn.”

“Great to look at, well made and does the job perfectly.”

“You can move the logs about to create space and so regulate heat a bit better.”

“It’s so satisfying prodding at red hot embers on a freezing cold evening and feeling the heat on your face”.

“Great quality and have stood the test of time with good amount of use. Quality product.”

“We have a wrought-iron poker made by a friend from years ago..handle in the shape of a hare’s it, wasn’t cheap but a real beauty.”

“Simple basic tool allowing rearranging of fuel to ensure even burning and helping keep glass door clean.”

“Get the fire going. Can push the logs back into the fire so they burn probably.”

Our sister company Bodj offer a beautifully hand-crafted blow poker. Click here for more information!

Ash bin/carrier

“Easy to use. Metal. Compact. Stops dust flying around. Carry handle is useful.”

“Great 4 carrying ashes out on a windy day.”

“Ease of use in keeping ash contained and not flying all over the place.”

“Allows dust free disposal of ash.”

“I have two Charnwood stoves. One has the ash bin/carrier and the other doesn’t. It’s SO difficult to get the ash out of the stove that doesn’t have the ash bin/carrier.”

“It is a safe and clean way of dealing with the only downside to a log burner, the ash.”

“Ease of emptying.”

“Makes it easy to empty ashes no fear of dropping them all over the floor.”

“Makes it more convenient to remove ash over several days without having to fill smaller bin bags thus reducing plastic waste.”

“Easy to use with minimal dust released when moving around can hold at least 1 month’ worth of ash.”

“Simplifies the worst job – cleaning out the ashes and getting them to the bin without being covered in ash from head to foot in a gust of wind. Neat to store, fits the ashcan perfectly and contains the dust when you tip the ashes in.”

Charnwood ash carriers are available here.


“Can’t beat a good solid pair of tongs for keeping away from the heat and flames, whilst topping up the stove.”

“I can position logs to maximum effectiveness.”

“It’s a really nice bit of blacksmithing, lovely rams head on the end.”

“Don’t get burnt and can place logs where you want them.”

“Handy for falling logs.”

“Fantastic for putting more wood in when the stove is really hot!”

“Looks rustic and very useful”

“Allows me to place logs where I want them in my stove, but it is also the most universal tool”

Hand forged tongs are available here.

Moisture Meter

Surprisingly only 23% of those surveyed own a moisture meter. We consider a moisture meter a must-have stove accessory to ensure wood is properly seasoned before burning and we urge you to get one!

It is very important to only burn wood with a moisture content of 20% or less. This will keep harmful emissions to a minimum and significantly improve efficiency, while protecting your stove and chimney – saving you money!

Look out for the Woodsure Ready to Burn label which guarantees a moisture content of 20% or less.

For a list of approved firewood sellers in your area click here.

Here are what some moisture meter owners had to say:

“I know I’m complying with byelaws and also prolonging the life of my Island 2 stove”

“Because I like to know that the logs I’m burning are dry and safe to use”

“Allows us to keep the stove clean by making sure we only burn the driest wood”

“This plus thermometer can’t really be replicated using non specialist tools.”

“It means I know when I can burn the wood that I’ve collected myself from the neighbourhood.”

“Vital for the whole seasoning process.”

“Especially Important given that the cost of kiln dried logs has doubled compared to this time last year!”

“I know I’m complying with byelaws and also prolonging the life of my Island 2 stove”

“Because it saves me burning wood which is too wet. Genuinely get a buzz when I ‘detect’ anything too moist on my meter!”

If you are seasoning your own wood, make sure you test it with a moisture meter before burning. You can get yours here.

Also, explore the top room heating stove accessories.


Why Choose Us?

Elevate your wood-burning stove experience with Charnwood Stoves, your trusted partner in warmth and style. Our commitment to excellence shines through in every product, ensuring you receive top-notch quality and functionality. Choosing Charnwood Stoves means selecting the epitome of innovation, as seen in our most popular stove accessory.

Discover unparalleled craftsmanship and design finesse, perfectly complementing your lifestyle. With Charnwood Stoves, you’re not just acquiring a product; you’re investing in a seamless blend of form and function. Join a community that values sophistication, efficiency, and a cosy ambiance. Make the smart choice — choose Charnwood Stoves for a warmer, more inviting home.


As you can see, there are a whole host of useful stove accessories that will enhance your wood-burning stove experience. For more information on all the stove accessories available, click here.

Finally, thank you to everyone who took part in the survey!


We don’t enjoy having to react to media sensationalism, however, there are times when it feels important to set the record straight. A negative narrative is being unfairly manufactured around the wood-burning stove industry, by anti-woodburning groups such as the ‘London Wood Burning Project’ and ‘Clean Air Hub’. Their campaigns repeatedly use misleading claims and stats to scare the public and they refuse to answer questions directly when challenged.

Therefore, we feel it is a duty to set the record straight, so people don’t succumb to the haze of misleading information out there. In this blog, we will shed light on some of the flawed data and unfair generalisations anti-woodburning groups are using.

What do they mean by wood-burner?

The campaigns paint a distorted picture, often using anxiety-inducing imagery and negative attention-grabbing headlines based on sweeping generalisations and weak or inaccurate data. They continue to mislead the public using stats that lump modern wood-burning stoves in with outdated, inefficient models, open fires and bonfires. It’s like saying cyclists are equally to blame for traffic congestion/emissions as lorries and private cars just because they all use wheels!  

They combine emission sources for a more impactful number, and then claim 17% of London’s emissions come from ‘domestic wood burning’ or ‘wood burners’. Catch-all terms the public understandably associate most readily with wood-burning stoves – especially because they create ad campaigns which prominently feature images of wood stoves. However, the actual contribution of modern wood-burning stoves is estimated by the UK government’s official figures at just 1-2%! (1)  

Differentiating between wood-burning practices is vital for progress  

Firefly London points out: “The irony of the billboard placement is that London’s tube network has appalling air quality, with PM 2.5 readings peaking at 600-700 ug/m3 – that’s 100 TIMES MORE PARTICULATES than an average London street…”

It is essential to differentiate between various forms of wood-burning. Chief Medical Advisor Chris Whitty in his report acknowledges this saying, “For air pollution emissions, there is substantial difference between the different open fire and stove designs, the age of the appliance and how well maintained it is, and the moisture content of the wood, for those who want to burn wood.”(2) 

While Ecodesign-compliant stoves are up to 90% more efficient than an open fire, ClearSkies Level 5 stoves, are even better still. They surpass Ecodesign standards, offering a further reduction in emissions by up to 30%! (3)  

This is where the anti-woodburning strategy is so incredibly counterproductive. In London 70% of wood burning still occurs on open fires. (4) If people were widely encouraged to switch to one of the many modern and efficient wood-burning stoves available, it would massively reduce urban PM 2.5 emissions. Just think, the emissions of 70% of London Wood burning could be reduced by 90%!  

Modern wood-burning stoves could help London reduce open-fire emissions by 90% ! 


PM 2.5 comes from such a wide array of natural and man-made sources that a zero-emission world is impossible! The best we can do is reduce them as much as possible while maintaining our ability to heat our homes. That is exactly what modern wood-burning stoves help achieve.   

If improvements were what the anti-woodburning brigade was truly after, it doesn’t make sense to ignore the vast advancements in clean-burn technology now defining modern wood-burning stove heating. They are the ones being ‘careless’. 

PM 2.5 perspective: How stoves can HELP improve indoor air quality 

This is also totally misleading. We could draw on our sources, but more powerfully we can draw on the London Wood-Burning Project’s own report as a rebuttal to this one. 

On page 71 of their 127-page report (5), we find the page titled Key Findings. Below are 3 crucial pieces of information from this page:  

1/ Use of the clearSkies Level5 stove (which is Ecodesign compliant) demonstrated some benefits for indoor air quality. Indoor PM2.5 did not increase when adding fuel to the stove once lit… At times there was actually a decrease in indoor concentrations of PM2.5 when adding fuel.  

As we have long pointed out, a properly functioning modern wood stove draws particulates out of the room and up the flue, helping improve air quality and ventilation in the home. The stove used in this study was our Charnwood C-Five.  

2/ Increases in pollutant concentrations may be more affected by participant technique or specific airflow characteristics of an individual appliance, rather than to the type of appliance or fuel.  

We always encourage best stove practices and will continue to do our level best to educate new and existing customers and beyond.   

3/ However, the biggest increases in PM2.5 concentrations indoors did not relate to indoor wood or solid-fuel burning but instead were a result of cooking, especially frying, grilling and use of the oven, and particularly when the extraction fan was not used.  

This really provides perspective on the issue of PM 2.5 in the home. A slice of burnt toast or your Sunday lunch can contribute far more than a wood-burning stove.  

 It’s a shame they don’t plaster these findings on a bus or large poster. 

A lack of scientific rigour 

Imprecise methodology  

“The results were compared to modelled wood and solid-fuel burning emissions to identify areas where the measurements match well with predictions or where measurements may provide evidence of solid-fuel burning that were not predicted by the model.” (pg.9 of the LWBP report)  

They do not sufficiently differentiate between the different sources of ‘solid fuel burning’. Data collection relies heavily on estimations and ambient air sampling, offering a blurry picture at best. Traffic, construction, industrial processes and even natural dust all contribute to PM2.5 and cannot reliably be controlled in their methodology. 

(Pg.20 of the LWBP report)

Walking around with modified backpacks does not allow them to distinguish in any way what the source of PM2.5 is in a given area.  

Small sample sizes & poor testing equipment 

One of the major studies often cited, is by Rohit Chakraborty et al, and based on a sample size of just 19 homes that took measurements using, as they admit, “low-cost air quality monitors” (7) 

Manipulated data 

Data is also often twisted and cherry-picked to bolster a blinkered argument. For example, comparing the emission rates between wood stoves and HGVs has caused much unnecessary concern.  

Closer inspection revealed their data excluded brake and engine wear and in fact, just one Euro 6 HGV produces 13 times more PM2.5 emissions than an Ecodesign wood-burning stove over the course of a week’s real-world use. Furthermore, emissions from HGVs are emitted at ground level (nearer head height) while wood smoke is dispersed more safely, higher up via a chimney flue.  

The SIA say, “ The claims are based on simplistic calculations using permitted rates of emission and do not consider either real world use or non-exhaust emissions. Furthermore, these permitted emissions rates rely on vastly differing measurement protocols and techniques. It should also be noted that there are several unreferenced assumptions, and the report does not appear to have been independently peer reviewed.” (8) 

Expert ‘opinion’  

In the bottom left-hand corner of every page of the London Wood Burning Project report you can see the following disclaimer: 

“This report is the independent expert opinion of the author(s)” 

Firstly, anyone can claim to be an expert in whatever they like, however, the key word here is ‘opinion’.  

Well, the SIA has commissioned extensive independent research which casts serious doubt on the estimations and ‘opinions’ provided by anti-woodburners (6). Experts question the methodologies and point out the lack of robust data used to support their dramatic claims.  

We highly encourage you to read this report undertaken by Dr Amanda Lea-Langton, senior lecturer in Bioenergy Engineering at the University of Manchester: 

 We have listed some of the key findings below: 

-No scientific evidence found for adverse health impacts from exposure to the indoor air typically associated with modern, enclosed wood burning stoves

-No association shown between exposure to indoor wood burning and risk of asthma in developed countries

-Use of modern wood burning stoves may help to improve air quality inside the home due to the natural draught created during wood stove operation that pulls air from the room into the appliance and from outside

-Other sources of particulate matter in the home, such as cooking, can release much higher levels of PM compared to modern, enclosed wood burning stoves, and could therefore havegreater health risk potential

-In one study, oil-based cooking, such as frying food or grilling meat, had peak value PM concentrations significantly higher than the WHO recommended average 24hr exposure limit

-In the same study the Ecodesign wood burning stove indoor air quality averages during operation were below the WHO recommended limits

 The official data (the truth) is good news!

And how about this for good news? The TRUTH is that UK PM 2.5 emissions have been steadily decreasing over the years despite record stove sales (please see the short video above). This is data taken directly from DEFRA and is a scientific and unbiased representation of the air quality in the UK. Whilst there is more we can all do, the evidence is resoundingly positive. 

At the time of writing (11/01/2024) on a very cold winter’s day when wood stove usage would typically be higher, here is the PM2.5 picture for the UK taken, once again, from DEFRA’s official website. 

So, when the anti-woodburners say 17% of emissions. It is 17% of a very low amount in the first place. Then, remember modern wood-burning stoves are just 1-2% of that low amount. 

Modern stoves equal lower emissions with HUGE benefits 

Next time you encounter someone who questions the benefits of modern wood-burning stoves, here is a list you can reel off! 

1/ They can produce heat for sustained periods and are unaffected by external factors such as the weather. 

2/ Allowing them to work in conjunction with wind, solar and other green heating solutions. A stove makes these great technologies more viable – They are not in competition with each other. 

3/ A wood-burning stove is an ideal emergency/low-frequency heat source. 

4/ Wood is a carbon-neutral fuel as it gives off the same amount of carbon whether it is burnt or decays naturally. The carbon released from burning wood is balanced out by the carbon absorbed by the tree during its lifetime. 

5/ Wood fuel can be sourced locally without fracking and deep-sea oil drilling. 

6/ A good quality stove can last many decades and provide an affordable source of heat for low-income households. 

7/ The right to repair. The majority of components used within a Charnwood stove are modular and can be replaced when or if they wear out further extending the life of your stove. 

8/ Charnwood stoves and packaging are fully recyclable. 

9/ There are significant well-being benefits from using a wood-burning stove. Read about the Charnwood wellbeing survey and all the amazing benefits of owning a stove for your wellbeing. 

Building a Collaborative Path Forward 

The wood-burning stove community’s voice in this debate isn’t just about defending an industry; it’s about ensuring a fair and balanced path towards a cleaner and more energy-secure future. Targeting outdated appliances, promoting responsible practices, and encouraging sustainable forestry practices would yield far greater results for all. 

Modern wood-burning stoves offer many benefits beyond warmth. They provide energy independence, encourage mental wellbeing, support rural communities, and help foster sustainable forestry practices. Responsible utilisation of modern wood-burning stoves can absolutely coexist with clean air initiatives, without compromising the environment. 

We are passionate about building on our 50 years of experience leading developments in the industry and producing the most efficient stoves on the market. We understand why people want to reduce PM2.5 emissions even further and we support doing more to achieve this. That is precisely why we continue to invest significantly in technological advances rather than sensationalist marketing campaigns. 

Thank you for reading and please share if this has resonated with you. 


Further reading: 

Here is a link to an article which explains why modern wood-burning stoves will continue to be an essential heating solution long into the future. Wood-Burning Stove’s Co-Heating Future (A Nuanced Look At PM 2.5 Emissions)  














We’re proud to present the Cranmore: a classic new wood burning stove from Charnwood. While it may be traditional in style it uses the very latest in clean burn technology. The Cranmore draws inspiration from the Regency era with a single framed glass door and archetypal detailing. The stoves pleasing proportions make it well suited to a traditional fireplace and with its large picture window and mesmerising flame pattern it is an ideal replacement for an open fire.

Timeless style, exquisite detailing and built to last a lifetime

The best of British

The Cranmore is British made with British materials, using the latest technology that draws on Charnwood’s 50 years of expertise. It is available in a range of colours and features a firm close, cool-to-touch, handle for safe and easy reloading. It is incredibly simple to operate with one single air control and features a sliding firebed for clean and easy ash removal.

The Cranmore 5 has a narrower portrait window than the 7 but still provides a punchy 5kw output

Available as 5 or 7kW models, the Cranmore uses our clean-burn BLU technology and is exceptionally efficient, with a level 5 clearSkies rating. The comparison table below is a useful tool; however we recommend speaking with your Charnwood supplier to help you decide which stove is most suited to your space.

The perfect open fire replacement

With rules around Eco Design Ready stoves coming into force in 2022 and the potential for further regulation, the Cranmore is an ideal and timely choice. It offers the wonderful ambience and flame picture associated with open fires, while exceeding all minimum criteria for Eco Design Ready status.

The difference between an open fire and the Cranmore in terms of its efficiency and eco-credentials shouldn’t be understated. The Cranmore produces a far more efficient burn and reduces PM emissions by 90%. Added to Charnwood’s policy of caring for the environment, in all aspects of the business, means a Cranmore stove is an environmentally sound heating solution you can be proud of.

Victorian, Georgian, and Regency period properties all provide a perfect backdrop for the traditional aesthetic of the Cranmore. The elegant and timeless design blended with the latest technology makes the Charnwood Cranmore nothing short of a modern classic.

For more information contact us here. For the latest news follow us here.


Why Choose Us?

Discover excellence with Charnwood Stoves. Our classic yet innovative approach shines through the Cranmore wood-burning stove. Crafted with precision and elegance, it embodies our commitment to quality and performance. At Charnwood, our legacy of creating enduring heating solutions meets modern design, offering reliability and style in one. Choose us for unparalleled craftsmanship, where tradition meets cutting-edge technology. With the Cranmore stove, experience warmth, efficiency, and timeless sophistication. Trust our team for a legacy of superior heating solutions that elevate your space and comfort to new heights.



In the ongoing debate over air quality and PM2.5 emissions, modern wood-burning stoves often face unfair criticism. The root of the issue lies in the unfortunate lumping together of modern ultra-efficient stoves with their vastly more polluting counterparts—open fires, outdoor bonfires and old, poorly maintained stoves. Today, we turn our attention to the latest report, released by the Environmental Research Group. 

Anti-woodburning groups have previously drawn on questionable data often not recognising the crucial distinctions between various types of wood-burning. However, there is a glimmer of progress, as this latest report at least acknowledges some of the benefits of ultra-efficient stoves and that ClearSkies 5 Stoves can in fact improve indoor and outdoor air quality. This is a step in the right direction.   

Key Findings from the London Wood-Burning Project: 

On page 71 of the 127-page report, we find the page titled Key Findings. Below are the 4 crucial pieces of information from this page: 

1/ Use of the clearSkies Level5 stove demonstrated some benefits for indoor air quality. Indoor PM2.5 did not increase when adding fuel to the stove once lit… At times there was actually a decrease in indoor concentrations of PM2.5 when adding fuel. 

As we have long pointed out, a properly functioning wood stove draws particulates out of the room and up the flue, helping improve air quality and ventilation in the home. The stove used in this study was our Charnwood C-Five. 

2/ Increases in pollutant concentrations may be more affected by participant technique or specific airflow characteristics of an individual appliance, rather than to the type of appliance or fuel. 

We always encourage best stove practices and will continue to do our level best to educate new and existing customers and beyond.  

3/ However, the biggest increases in PM2.5 concentrations indoors did not relate to indoor wood or solid-fuel burning but instead were a result of cooking, especially frying, grilling and use of the oven, and particularly when the extraction fan was not used. 

Again, we have tried to communicate this fact for a long time, as it really provides perspective on the issue of PM 2.5 in the home. A slice of burnt toast or your Sunday lunch can contribute far more than a wood-burning stove. 

4/ The PM2.5 increase measured outdoors, due to the non-DEFRA exempt stove, was double the increase due to the clearSkies Level 5 stove. 50 μg m-3 and approx. 25 μg m-3 

The methodology used to gather this data from the environment, again, can not adequately separate the different sources of PM2.5 in the tested areas. It is subject to error from many environmental factors, such as road traffic, construction, manufacturing, and other industrial processes. 

However, this data does still accept that a modern ClearSkies 5 stove significantly reduces emissions. We have rigorously tested all Charnwood stoves and when ensuring best stove practices and using seasoned wood with a moisture content of less than 20%, emissions can be reduced by up to 90% in comparison with an open fire. This provides an exceptionally clean burn! 

Differentiating Wood-Burning Practices: 

It is essential to differentiate between various forms of wood-burning. The UK government’s 2020 figures highlight that Ecodesign-compliant stoves contribute only 1-2% to PM2.5 emissions, a fraction compared to other sources. ClearSkies Level 5 stoves, surpass Ecodesign standards, offering a further reduction in emissions by up to 30%! 

This is where the anti-wood-burning stove movement has gotten it so wrong in the past. By not differentiating accurately between different wood-burning practices they have missed the opportunity to really help reduce PM 2.5 emissions with a solution that has been proven to work – modern ultra-efficient stoves. 

In London 70% of wood burning still occurs on open fires. If people were widely encouraged to switch to one of the many modern and efficient wood burning stoves available, it would massively reduce urban PM 2.5 emissions. The emissions of 70% of London Wood burning could be reduced by 90%! 

Wood-Burning Stove’s Co-Heating Future  

Heat pumps, solar and wind energy, have positive qualities, but are simply not sufficient to meet our home heating needs on their own. This is particularly true for the vast amount of older housing stock across the UK. Wood-burning stoves can increase the uptake of other renewables by providing energy security and filling the gaps in power. 

Below is a link to an article which comprehensively explains why modern wood-burning stoves will be an essential heating solution long into the future. 

Wood-Burning Stove’s Co-Heating Future (A Nuanced Look At PM 2.5 Emissions) 


With gas and electricity prices set to increase even further in January 2024, we need all sides of the debate to work towards a more informed and positive dialogue. For our part, we continue to lead the industry in creating the most efficient stoves on the market. We are investing heavily to continually improve and are passionate about providing people with energy security and the many other benefits offered by wood-burning stoves. 


The Stove Industry Alliance (SIA) has carefully examined a recent study by Global Action Plan/Impact on Urban Health, titled “Relight my fire? Investigating the true cost of wood-burning stoves.” In this blog, we will present some of the key insights and considerations revealed by the SIA that address the misleading conclusions made. 

Study Methodology Critique 

The SIA raises important questions regarding the methodology used in the study. Specifically, the model scenarios seem to artificially inflate the costs associated with wood-burning stoves while decreasing costs related to Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP). The SIA points out discrepancies in cost consideration, installation assumptions, and the efficiency impact of heating system distribution. 

Here are just two of the key points raised which show why it is impossible to draw accurate conclusions from the data set: 

Model B “includes the cost of purchasing the item (stove) and installation, while all options include maintenance and replacement costs.” The SIA questions why the purchase and installation costs have been factored in for the stove led heating in Model B, as they have not been factored in for the gas boiler led heating, Model A? 

Model E “Newly installed Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) providing 100% of heat” underestimates the actual running costs of the ASHP in the reference dwelling used (a Victorian mid-terrace of single skin, uninsulated solid brick construction). Heat pumps are not suitable for use in badly insulated housing stock; they will not run optimally in these conditions and therefore won’t give a 3.5 seasonal CoP which the report uses to reach its conclusions.  

Appliance Efficiency 

When evaluating cost-effectiveness, appliance efficiency is a highly significant variable, and is not accurately reflected in the study. Since January 1, 2022, all solid fuel stoves have had to adhere to Ecodesign Regulations and ensure a minimum efficiency of 75%. Many of our stoves surpass this requirement, with tested efficiencies exceeding well beyond 80%, which is comparable to the most efficient gas room heaters in peak condition. It is also important to consider that wood-stoves offer individuals better localised space heating, meaning they allow you to heat the space you need without wasting heat on empty rooms. This is a key part of many people’s heating strategy and this flexibility also facilitates off-grid low-carbon sustainable living. 

Comparative Fuel Costs 

The SIA references data from various sources, including Nottingham Energy Partnership, to provide readers with a comprehensive view of comparative costs per kWh for different heating fuels. As of October 2023, the price per kWh for an ASHP is 12.37p, kiln-dried logs at 11.18p, mains gas at 8.64p, and electricity at 33.40p. It should be noted that, between November 2022 and June 2023, kiln-dried wood logs were more cost-effective than mains gas per kWh. 

This points to another key reason people choose wood-burning stoves – energy security. It is still fresh in everyone’s minds how susceptible gas and electricity prices are to spiking at a moment’s notice because of global issues. Sustainable sources of wood are available locally and provide a vital shield against the next crisis. 

We invite you to read our blog on why people are choosing wood-burning stoves to better understand the many factors that were missed in this study. 

SIA’s Recommendations: 

We are fully aligned with the SIA on the recommendations for those considering or currently using wood-burning stoves: 

-Choose an Ecodesign compliant, sustainable, solid fuel stove. 

-Upgrade from an open fire or older stove to reduce emissions significantly. 

-Ensure your stove is Defra exempt if you live in a Smoke Control Area. 

-Seek guidance from local SIA Retail Group members for the right stove size and installation. 

-Have your stove fitted by a qualified professional (HETAS or OFTEC registered). 

-Use quality fuel, ensuring wood logs have a moisture content at or below 20%. 

-Regularly service and sweep your chimney for optimal stove performance. 

For a more detailed look at best practices, before the winter bites, read our essential-wood-burning-stove-tips! 


There are many factors that determine which heating solution is best for your home. As pointed out by the SIA, this latest study has missed many factors that favour wood-burning stoves, particularly as part of a modern co-heating solution.  

Charnwood Stoves remains committed to leading the industry in producing the most reliable, efficient, and sustainable wood-burning stoves on the market. We continue to invest heavily in research and development to improve efficiencies even further and have many exciting developments on the way!   

Read how a wood-stove can help you save money on your bills! 


A.J Wells & Charnwood are committed to sustainability and constantly seek innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint and make positive progress towards Net Zero 2050. Our recent environmental-focused efforts, which we will discuss in this blog, have already started yielding impressive results – read on to learn more!

Solar panels

Another benefit of the summer sun is all the clean electricity being produced. We are happy to report that we have recently added 50kw of additional solar panels to the roofs of our factories, bringing us to 150kw in total. This has resulted in the generation of nearly 1 gigawatt-hour of clean energy to date and as there is still a little space left on our roofs we will likely add to our capacity in the future!

Charnwood Skye E700 update


Modern Ecodesign stoves are 90% more efficient than open fires and 80% more efficient than older stoves, however, there is still much more we can do. That is why we invested nearly £1,000,000 last year and continue to lead the industry in developing cutting-edge wood-burning technology.

A good stove with good fuel has always been possible to achieve. However, the user has until now been the weak point in achieving the best possible efficiencies. The Charnwood Skye E700 uses intelligent technology that automatically ensures your stove burns at the optimum temperature. Developed to be super easy to use – everything you need is just one button away on your stove or on our stove app which allows you to control from the comfort of the sofa.

We have taken time to optimize the stove and the software for maximum performance and have learned more about combustion than we have with any other stove. Electronic stoves are fascinating to work on as you can change a few parameters in the code which will translate into a completely different type of burn, flame pattern, performance and emissions. With the results we have achieved, we passionately believe that intelligent stoves are going to play a significant role in the near future.

The E700 is already available in the US and will be coming to Europe soon. Watch this space!

Supporting environmental & humanitarian projects


This year we welcomed Joshua Omulongolo from rural Kenya for 5 months who came to our R&D lab. During this time, he introduced us to the delights of Ugali and together we developed a low-cost cook stove by molding ceramic based materials into a shape that maximized clean combustion and heat output and safely and cleanly exhausted flue gases outside. On his return to Kenya, he has continued the development and made a number of prototype cook stoves that he has tested at his home and his church. We are still in contact with him as he transitions this into a micro business that will help reduce the respiratory problems that are associated with indoor open fire cooking.

15 Ideas to reuse our packaging

As online shopping surges, packaging waste becomes even more of a concern. At A.J Wells, we understand the impact and have offered some innovative ideas to reuse and repurpose packaging materials. Explore our blog to discover at least 15 great ways to give your A.J Wells packaging a new lease of life while reducing waste. Read more here

Green roof


While our focus remains on significant initiatives like solar panels and energy-efficient equipment, we recognize that even small ideas can make a substantial impact. Initiatives such as bike-to-work schemes and tree planting programs have proven to be catalysts for change, not only for our carbon footprint but also for engaging our employees and community. These ideas go beyond their obvious environmental benefits, fostering a sense of environmental awareness and inspiring others to join us on our sustainability journey.

One such recent addition to our environmental efforts is the implementation of a green roof. Our green roof not only beautifies our premises but also provides numerous benefits, including improved air quality, enhanced insulation, and reduced stormwater runoff. By integrating nature into our infrastructure, we showcase our ongoing commitment to harmonizing with the environment and promoting a greener future. Read more here

Refurbished signage


Refurbishing old signs is a very cost-effective way to extend their lifespan, and our innovative approach involves stripping them down to the frame, examining the frame and trims, improving the decoration, and installing new illumination and acrylic faces. By doing this, we were able to restore these 17-year-old signs to their former glory. Reusing when possible is better than recycling as this saves even more energy. Read more here

Bunhill Energy Centre

We were pleased to manufacture and supply our Wellsclad vitreous enamel cladding panels for the TfL / Islington Council’s, New Bunhill 2 Energy Centre. The heat recovery centre takes excess heat from the London Underground, Northern Line and feeds it into the Islington Council’s district heating network to provide offices, leisure centres and over 1,350 homes with heat and hot water.

We continue to embrace projects that have a direct positive impact on the environment. Read more here



A.J Wells fabricates a wide range of products from a variety of high-quality materials across our businesses. Our fantastic team are skilled in a range of processes utilising state-of-the-art technology to achieve our exceptionally high standards. With demand for our market-leading Charnwood Stoves growing year on year, we have recently invested almost a million pounds in expanding and improving our welding capacity.

Read on to learn about our upgraded welding bays as well as our state-of-the-art robot welding arms.

Welding Bays


While redesigning the factory the Charnwood production manager and team leaders came together to develop a new design aiming to create the ‘perfect’ welding bay for the space. A modular, flat-pack approach was agreed upon with individual bays being standardised and optimised for comfort and efficiency.

One of the main improvements involved putting a roof canopy on each bay with extraction from the top. This stops welding fumes leaking out and massively improves the whole factory environment.

In the bay, the placement of all elements were optimised including tools such as grinders, our existing lifting tables, shelfs for clamps and even the radio etc. This was all with a view to maximise comfort for our great team of welders who work long hours in the bays.

Once ideas had been gathered, a prototype was built and the welders tested it out and provided feedback and suggested any changes they’d like made.

Some of the feedback included increasing the height, changing the air inlets, and improving the temperature and the lighting. A significant depth of detail was considered, even analysing shadows being cast and adjusting things accordingly.

The aim was to standardise the bays so that all workers would be familiar with any bay they worked in.

Space for another 5 welding bays to be installed in the near future has been allocated.

Upgraded Equipment


Here are some of the standout features that convinced the team to choose the Lincoln welders supplied by our friends at Rapid Welding:

– They enable our team to achieve high-quality welding finishes

– They are energy saving

– Have helpful preset settings

– Are easy to teach employees

– Lincoln are a high-quality, reliable, brand

What the upgrades provide

These welding bays and new equipment have significantly improved the working environment of the whole factory. Improving the comfort of our hard-working welders and also providing some significant efficiency benefits.

Some quotes from our team of welders now the bays are up and running:

“Nice and bright, the light is a lot better than the old welding bays.“

“Nice and compact for what we produce – everything is close to hand.”

“Easy access to bring in your work and remove a complete stove from the lifting table using a sack truck. A lot better than the old welding bays.”

“The extraction helps so much. It keeps the fumes away from people in the rest of the fabrication shop.”

New Robot Arms


In addition to our upgraded welding bays we have invested in two more cutting-edge robot welding arms.

This has doubled our robot welder capacity from 2 to 4 robot arms and is allowing us to produce stoves at a much more efficient rate. Our skilled robot operators have been working intensively, learning to program new models and learning how these machines work to maximise their output.

These robots produce less spatter with pulse welding, removing the need to spray the stoves with anti-spatter products. This has decreased the amount of processing needed post-weld significantly, which is an incredible boost to productivity, cutting energy consumption, and making it an improved place to work.


A.J Wells continues to look for new ways to improve the business for our wonderful customers, our fantastic team of hard-working employees and the environment. Our latest investment manages to positively impact all these areas and the size of the investment is testament to the significant growth of the business for which we are truly grateful. Watch this space for the next steps in A.J Wells’ journey!

You can get in touch here to discuss your project.


In April the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero announced they were extending the time period for evidencing the purchase of alternatives fuels, including wood and solid fuels to the end of May 2023.

The £200 Alternative Fuel Payment (AFP) is a government scheme aimed at supporting households that rely on alternative fuels for heating. It is available to those not connected to the mains gas grid and covers homes heated by tank or bottled gas, LPG, oil, wood, or solid fuel. The payment is in addition to the £400 payment from electricity suppliers.

Recently, the government announced an extension to the AFP scheme. Eligible households can now use receipts from June 2022, instead of September 2022, until May 2023 as evidence to claim the payment. This change will ensure that those households that purchased fuel in bulk ahead of the winter 2022 heating season will receive the support they are entitled to.

Most households meeting the eligibility criteria automatically received the payment as a credit on their electricity bill. However, in some cases, the discount was not received automatically, for example if you:

-pay for energy through a landlord, housing manager or site owner

-live in a park home, houseboat or off the electricity grid

Andy Hill, chair of the SIA, commented: “This is a common-sense announcement and ensures that those households that did plan ahead, buying their wood logs and solid fuel supplies in the summer months last year, will not be penalised for doing so. Wood and solid fuel heating is an essential lifeline for the many thousands of homes that are off the gas grid network, and for remote and very rural locations it is vital to ensure that a fuel supply for the winter months is sourced well in advance.”

You can check your eligibility and apply for the AFP scheme via the government’s official website here.


Every year we send a limited-edition Charnwood calendar to each of our fantastic Charnwood stockists. It has become something of a tradition and a nice way to share some beautiful artwork and our latest wood-burning stove images.

We are delighted that the wonderful author/illustrator, Rachel Bright, has generously given us a beautiful graphic poem to take pride of place on this year’s front cover.

It’s so wonderful, in fact, that we just had to share it with you.

Meet me by the fire at midnight 

by Rachel Bright

Doesn’t it just capture the imagination? It weaves a story that surely resonates with anyone lucky enough to own a wood-burning stove – it really makes you want to light the fire and snuggle!

Most of us have our own magical stories that were only possible due to the warm and cosy focal point the fire provides. Bone warming heat and mesmerizing flames that draw loved ones together and into orbit around the woodstove on a cold winter’s night.

And to some peoples’ surprise, many of us actually look forward to winter precisely because of the joy our wood-burning stove brings.

With all the uncertainty in the world, it’s truly comforting to sit back on a cold night with a warm fire blazing. Knowing that you can depend on it whatever the weather and circumstances in the wider world. This is a huge motivator for us to continue creating the latest, most efficient stoves on the market and contribute to a more sustainable future.


All of us here at Charnwood and A.J Wells & Sons wish you a very merry, warm and toasty Christmas.


Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Whitty, well known to us all from our lockdown television screens, has just released an annual report on air quality in the UK. The Stove Industry Association (SIA) made a significant contribution, and the resulting report provides a fair and balanced appraisal. The findings confirm much of what the wood-burning stove community has been saying for some years now. 

The report highlights the issues with open fires and old woodstoves and endorses the use of modern Ecodesign wood-burning stoves and encourages the use of best wood-burning stove practices. 

Air pollution emissions can be significantly reduced “…using modern, less polluting stoves and burning wood that is dry”. Additionally, “For air pollution emissions, there is substantial difference between the different open fire and stove designs, the age of the appliance and how well maintained it is, and the moisture content of the wood, for those who want to burn wood.” 

Chair of the SIA, Andy Hill, commented: “In this Report the CMO and his team have considered a wide range of contributors to air pollution from industry, transport, and transboundary sources, as well as domestic solid fuel heating. We are pleased that the report recognises the huge advances in stove appliance technology that have been driven by the Ecodesign regulations and that it calls for the Clean Air Act requirements for smoke control areas to be properly adhered to. The report also highlights potentially ground-breaking new technology in some industries, and, similarly, the stove industry continues to develop and invest in new technology to reduce emissions even further.” 

The myriad benefits of wood burning 


The report recognises that the reasons for burning solid fuel in the home are varied with Professor Whitty noting that these include “aesthetic as well as practical, ecological or economic reasons”. 

This line is important and acknowledges the unique qualities wood-burning stoves possess. It is something that we feel should be more fully recognised when making evaluations and comparing the overall impact of each home heating solution. 

The myriad benefits wood burning offers the individual and society cannot be fully replicated by any other heating solution. Wood-burning stoves offer potential carbon neutrality, significant well-being benefits, heat security and perhaps most importantly right now, low-cost fuel.  

Wood burning – the past, present and the future 

With the recent positive progress of nuclear fission in the news, there is real hope on the far horizon for an energy source that transforms our society. However, even when this possibility is realized, likely many decades into the future, there will still be a strong argument for wood burning stoves. Perhaps not as a main source of domestic heating, but as a tool for connection and social bonding, while offering a supplementary heat source for when inevitable interruptions of supply occur.  

Until then, wood-burning stoves have a key role to play in helping families through the challenging times we all face. No other heat solution can provide such a range of benefits that help so directly with the cost-of-living crisis and contribute to the environmental goal of Net Zero 2050.