
Quality firewood storage is a necessity for wood-burning stove owners. Proper storage is key to ensuring that your firewood stays dry and ready to use, preventing moisture build-up, pest infestations, and mould growth.

In this article, we’ll provide you with tips and guidelines for storing firewood outdoors, including choosing the right location, stacking and covering the wood, and rotating the stack to ensure even drying.


Top Tips for Storing Your Firewood Well


Choose a dry, well-ventilated area

Firewood must be dry to burn efficiently. A shed, garage, or covered area with good ventilation is ideal.


Keep it off the ground

Storing firewood directly on the ground can cause it to absorb moisture and harder to ignite. To prevent this, stack the firewood on a raised platform or pallet.


Stack it properly

Stacking the firewood in a neat, organised pile can help it dry more quickly and evenly. Stack the logs in alternating directions to create air pockets between them as this will encourage airflow. Be mindful not to stack the wood too high as this can become unstable and difficult to manage. A stack that is 4 to 5 feet high is usually sufficient.


Cover it

Cover firewood with a tarp or other waterproof cover to protect it from rain and snow.


Make sure it’s dry

Newly cut firewood can contain up to 60% moisture, so it’s important to let it dry out before burning (moisture content needs to be less than 20% for efficient burning).

Depending on the type of wood and weather conditions, this can take anywhere from 6-18 months. Make sure to rotate logs in your stack regularly to ensure they dry out evenly.


Selecting the Right Storage Location


Seek Out a Location Close to Your Home

You want to choose a location that’s easily accessible from your home so you can easily bring in and take out firewood as needed. It also makes it easier to keep an eye on your stack.


Find a Location off the Soil

As mentioned above, you don’t want to put your firewood directly onto mud or grass as this will cause the wood to absorb moisture from the ground and rot.

You can stack your firewood on surfaces like concrete and gravel, or you can lay a tarp under the firewood. In both these cases, make sure that the wood won’t be sitting in water if it rains. Ideally, you want your firewood raised off of the ground, and you can use a wooden pallet or stacking apparatus designed for storing firewood.


Check if There is Room in an Outdoor Non-Wooden Storage Shed

If you have a shed or outbuilding in your garden, you can use this as a place to store your firewood as it is protected from rain and soil. It’s not advisable to use a wooden shed for this as firewood can attract ants – carpenter ants in particular are very damaging to wooden structures. If your shed becomes home to a colony of carpenter ants, over time the roof may become unsupported and you may need to replace the shed.

When considering the best way to store firewood, it is important to ensure proper firewood storage to keep your logs dry and pest-free. Additionally, referencing the best firewood to burn chart UK can help you select the optimal wood types for burning. Knowing how to store logs correctly will ensure your firewood is always ready for use.

To also find out why you should split firewood, check our blog here.


Why Choose Us?

Charnwood has been committed to providing quality wood burning stoves since 1972, and we know all there is to know about wood burning stoves. If you have a shed or outbuilding in your garden, you can use this as a place to store your firewood as it is protected from rain and soil. It’s not advisable to use a wooden shed for this as firewood can attract ants – carpenter ants in particular are very damaging to wooden structures. If your shed becomes home to a colony of carpenter ants, over time the roof may become unsupported and you may need to replace the shed.

When considering the best way to store firewood, it is essential to ensure proper firewood storage techniques are followed. Knowing how to store logs correctly will help maintain their quality and readiness for use. Make sure to store firewood off the ground, stack it properly, and cover it to protect against moisture. By following these guidelines, you can effectively store firewood and ensure it remains in good condition for your wood-burning stove. If you have any questions, please get in touch.


What is an Electric Stove and a Wood burning Stove?

An electric stove is one that uses electricity to produce heat and a wood burning stove, quite simply, burns wood for heat. They both have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to cost, heat output and ease of use. This article will help you weigh up the pros and cons for your particular situation.

Electric Stove Benefits

Electric stoves are very easy to use, usually at the flick of a switch and can even be activated with a remote control. They also have relatively low purchase prices with many costing between £100-£500.

Because they use a heating element to warm up the room, there is no mess to clean up. This also means they also don’t need any vent or chimney, meaning they are easier to install, can be installed in more locations in the room and can easily be installed in apartments. This means the installation costs are lower than a wood burning stove.

If you have solar panels (or another form of harvesting renewable energy at home), you could be heating your house at a reduction.


Electric Stove Drawbacks

Perhaps the biggest drawback of electric fireplaces is if there’s a power cut, there’s no heat. One of the biggest causes of power cuts is storms damaging power supplies, and these usually take place in winter, which is just when you need your fireplace the most! This is a particular concern issue for those who live in rural or more remote locations.

The price of electricity is greater than that of wood and it’s sensitive to global fluctuations, meaning it can soar easily – as seen in the winter of 2022/23). In many cases, the production of electricity relies on burning fossil fuels, which isn’t sustainable.

While electric fireplaces can imitate the appearance of flickering flames, they lack the appeal of real flames and don’t have the comforting crackle or homely smells of a real fire.

Most electric fireplaces are only able to produce around 1.5kW or 5,000 BTU (British Thermal Units), whereas wood burning stoves typically generate 4 -10 kW (14,000 to 35,000 BTUs), with some going as high as 15kW (50,000 BTU). Also, the heat generated from electric fireplaces only stays in one room.


Wood burning Stove Benefits

Logs are the cheapest fuel for households, costing 74% less per kWh than electric heating. After installation, affordable wood burning stoves, including small wood burning stoves, are far more cost-efficient in heating your home than an electric fireplace.

Wood burning stoves in the UK also generate a lot more heat than electric fireplaces, comfortably producing 4-10kW (14,000-35,000 BTUs). This level of heat output, combined with the low costs of the logs, makes wood burning stoves incredibly efficient.

With a wood burning stove, you can funnel the heat to other parts of the house, not just the room it’s in; this additional use increases the efficiency of your wood burning stove.

Beyond their warmth, wood burning stoves provide the real sounds and smells of a crackling fire, creating an unparalleled experience of comfort and offering many well-being benefits.

Wood burning stoves need no electricity to work and so are immune to power cuts and price hikes.


Wood burning Stove Drawbacks

The initial installation of a wood burner, and a flue if necessary, isn’t cheap. The average installation, including the purchase of the stove itself, is about £2,000.

Wood burning stoves in the UK require the chimney to be swept at least once a year – as well as improving efficiency, this is vital for safety reasons.

You need to have somewhere dry to store your wood.


So which is better, an electric or wood burning stove?

While both have pros and cons, the low running costs and high heat output of wood burning stoves make them a clear winner in our book (even if we are slightly biased!)

Here at Charnwood, we sell a range of wood burning and multi-fuel stoves in contemporary and traditional styles, incorporating the latest in clean burn technology.

We’ve been committed to providing quality wood burning stoves since 1972 and we know all there is to know about wood burners, and how to get the most out of the wood you burn. If you have any questions about heating your home with a wood burning stove, please get in touch.



Seasoning wood refers to the drying process used in preparing firewood for being burnt. Wood that has been seasoned has been dried so that, when it is used in a fire, it has a lower moisture makeup and therefore produces less smoke and is easier to light.

Wood that is not properly seasoned and burnt in a wood stove or fireplace can lead to high creosote build-up in the chimney, which can cause chimney fires.

There are a few physical differences between seasoned wood and unseasoned wood:

• Unseasoned wood, due to its higher water content, is heavier

• The ends of seasoned wood are dark and cracked

• Seasoned wood, when tapped against one another, makes a hollow sound

• The bark of seasoned wood is a lot easier to peel than that of unseasoned wood

• There may be green patches on unseasoned wood


Factors to Consider when Drying Firewood

Water Content

For a log to be considered seasoned and suitable for burning, it needs to have a low moisture content. If you are drying your own firewood, you should use a moisture meter to determine how much water content your logs still have.

Using your moisture meter, you should keep drying your firewood until it is at least below 20% as a minimum but, ideally, under 10%. The more water there is in a log, the more smoke and less heat it will produce. Most green wood has a water content of around 50%+ when it’s freshly cut.

When acquiring wood you plan to use in a fire, a general rule of thumb is that the greener it is, the longer it will take to seasoning firewood.


Average Humidity and Temperature

Wood is a hygroscopic material, meaning the humidity around it can cause the wood to either absorb or release moisture. In areas with high humidity, wood will absorb moisture from the air, and in areas with low humidity, wood will expel moisture.

When it comes to seasoning wood, the obvious ideal combination is low humidity and high temperature, which makes the later days of spring and throughout the summer the best time to season wood.

In an environment with 99% relative humidity, the moisture content of wood will (with enough time) become 23-30% however, when the air has a relative humidity of 75%, the moisture content will work its way down to 14% – an ideal % for burning wood.


Wood Species

The kind of wood you use has a bearing on the rate at which wood is seasoned, whether that is hardwood or softwood.

Hardwoods produce more heat when they are burned but take about 18 months to properly season, whereas softwoods can be seasoned in 6-12 months and have the added bonus of being easier to cut and split, making them more appealing for many who cut and prepare their own wood.

The terms hardwood and softwood don’t actually apply to the woods themselves, but to the trees’ seeds: hardwood seeds have a covering while softwood seeds don’t.

When it comes to burning wood, a top tip is to use softwoods to get the fire going then hardwoods to have a long, enduring heat.

Cedar and pine are good softwoods to burn, while ash, oak, birch, fruit trees and even eucalyptus wood are great hardwoods for fires.


Proper Stacking

Wood should be stacked off the floor so as not to absorb ground moisture, and you need to allow plenty of ventilation between stacked logs so that moisture can escape.

When you are cutting your wood, cutting it to similar sizes will make it easier to stack. Cutting each log into 16-inch long cords is standard, and then cutting the wood into quarters is a popular and effective method.

Seasoning your wood outside is best, ideally in a location that gets plenty of sunlight. If you live in an area with high levels of rainfall, keeping it outside but covered (like in a barn or shed) is an option, so long as there is plenty of airflow around the wood. Don’t season your wood in your home as there is a risk the drying wood will attract termites; it will also not season properly when it’s indoors.

You can use a firewood log rack to help with the seasoning; these are metal frames that keep the logs off of the ground, promote airflow around the cords and can be positioned for optimal sunlight.

When stacking, you need to be sure any rain (or snow) won’t soak your logs. Avoid this by either storing them in a sheltered area or by protecting them with a waterproof cover, but be sure to keep the ends exposed to the air.

To find out everything you need to know about firewood, check out this blog.


Average Time to Season Wood

There are many variables when it comes to firewood seasoning and many ways to help speed up the seasoning process, however, the average time to season wood that you’ve cut from a tree is approximately 12 months. It can take an average of 6 months if you’ve bought the wood from a supplier.

Wood will dry out more quickly when it has been chopped into smaller pieces – the smaller the piece, the quicker it’ll wood seasoning. You can expect wood to dry at a rate of approximately one inch per year – i.e. a log that is one inch wide will take one year and a log that is two inches wide will take two years to seasoning firewood.

As well as splitting the wood into smaller pieces, you can also speed up the seasoning process by:

• Drying it in late spring or summer

• Stacking it correctly – plenty of ventilation between logs and ends exposed to the air

• Stacking it in bright, direct sunlight

• Dry it in a kiln


Also explore our Wood-Burning Stove FAQs.


Why Choose Us?

Charnwood has been committed to providing quality wood burning stoves since 1972 and we know all there is to know about wood burners, and how to get the most out of the wood you burn. If you have any questions about heating your home with a wood burning stove, please get in touch.


Log burner fireplaces are a popular feature in many homes, adding warmth and ambience to any room. There are many ways to make the most of your log burner fireplace, from creating a warm welcome to colour-coordinating it with your decor. In this article, we’ll explore some log burner fireplace ideas to inspire your next home renovation project.


Ideal Fireplace Ideas for Your Home

You’ve had a wood-burning stove installed and are, quite rightly, loving the cosy comforting warmth that it brings, but you notice something’s just ever-so-slightly off. Framing your wood burner in a fireplace that ties into your décor can pull the whole room together. Keep reading for fireplace inspiration…


Create a Warm Welcome with a Modern Log Burner

A log burner fireplace creates a natural gathering spot in any room, making it the perfect place to entertain guests. To create a warm welcome, consider incorporating seating around your fireplace. This could include a comfortable armchair or a plush sofa, paired with blankets and decorative cushions.

To further enhance the cosy ambience, you could also add some soft lighting. This could include a few small lamps dotted about the room, some well-placed candles or even fairy lights. Adding a flame-retardant rug in front of the fireplace can also boost the welcoming vibe while protecting your floor from stray embers.

Another great way to create a warm welcome is to add some natural elements to your decor. Consider placing some plants or a vase of fresh flowers around your hearth, or adding some natural stone accents. These touches can help to create a comforting and rustic feel in your space.


Colour Coordinate Your Log Burner

When it comes to decorating your log burner fireplace, colour coordination is key. You want to choose colours that complement your log burner and create a cohesive look throughout your space. Some popular colour choices for log burner fireplaces include earthy tones like brown, beige, and green, as well as rich jewel tones like navy, emerald, and burgundy.

When choosing decor for your log burner fireplace, consider incorporating these colours into your cushions, rugs, curtains, and wall art. You can also add some decorative accessories in complementary colours, such as vases, candle holders, and picture frames.

Alternatively, if your log burner has a black finish, as most do, you could opt for black or dark grey accessories to tie the look together or contrast it with white décor for a monochromatic motif. For example, a white or cream fireplace surround would create a striking contrast against a black log burner. This leads us to the next section…


White Fireplace Surround

A white fireplace surround can add a clean and classic touch to your log burner fireplace. When paired with a black log burner, a white fireplace surround creates a timeless and elegant look and can work with both traditional and modern design schemes. White is also a great choice for smaller spaces, as it can help to create the illusion of more light and space.

To create a cohesive look, choose white decor accessories, such as candles, vases, and picture frames. You can also add some texture and interest to your space by incorporating natural wood elements.


Painted Fire Surround

A great way to add some personality to your wood burner fireplace is to paint your fire surround. This is a great option if you want to add a pop of colour to your space or create a bold statement. You can choose a colour that complements your decor, or go for something more daring, like a bright red or vibrant turquoise.

When choosing a paint colour for your fire surround, it’s important to consider the overall aesthetic of your living space. You want to choose a colour that complements your existing decor, rather than clashes with it.

Be sure to use high-quality paint that can withstand the heat from your log burner. You’ll also want to take your time and use a steady hand to ensure a smooth, even finish.

Explore more about our wood-burning strove design ideas.


Utilise a Hearth Surround

The hearth surround is the area directly in front of the log burner fireplace and a hearth surround not only enhances the look of the fireplace but also provides a practical space to store firewood and display decorative items.

A mantel can add a touch of elegance to your fireplace and provide additional space for displaying decorative items. Whether you prefer a rustic wooden mantel or a sleek, modern design, adding a mantel can elevate the overall look of your fireplace.

The material of the hearth surround can make a significant impact on the overall look of your fireplace. Popular materials for hearth surrounds include natural stone, tiles, brick, and wood. Each material can create a different aesthetic, so consider what style you want to achieve when choosing your hearth surround material.

A log burner fireplace needs firewood, and incorporating storage into your hearth surround can be a practical solution. Not only does built-in shelving or a firewood nook provide designated storage space for firewood, but it also adds a decorative touch to the fireplace.

Explore our spares shop to find your perfect hearth surround.


Why Choose Us?

Charnwood has been committed to providing quality wood burning stoves since 1972 and we know all there is to know about wood burners, and how to make sure they look great in your home. If you have any questions wood burning stoves, please get in touch.



Eucalyptus trees, also known as gum trees, are fast-growing trees whose wood produces a lot of heat, making them an ideal sustainable choice for your wood burning stove. While not native to the UK, some eucalyptus species have been able to thrive on these western European islands, giving us access to this superfuel.


Benefits and Disadvantages of Using Eucalyptus


It produces a high heat output – 34.5 million BTUs (British Thermal Units) per cord; for context, oak produces 24 million BTUs.

Eucalyptus grows quickly, only taking a few years to mature, making it one of the more sustainable firewoods and it doesn’t taper much over lengths.

It’s also cheaper than other traditional hardwoods.



Eucalyptus trees aren’t native to the UK, and, because of their numbers in this part of the world, eucalyptus wood is rarer than other woods.

Its high oil content can lead to a build-up of creosote, but otherwise, it burns clean.

It’s also a very hard wood to split – more on this in a later section.


Types of Eucalyptus

There are over 700 different species of the eucalyptus tree and they are mostly found in Australia, although some are also found in areas like the Philippines, Indonesia and New Guinea. Some have been successfully introduced to grow in Britain (see above).

Of the 700 different species, only 35 (5%) are suited to growing in the UK. Two of note are the cider gum and Tasmanian blue gum trees, which grow quite happily on the Essex coast and in Cornwall, respectively.

The best eucalyptus trees for firewood that can grow in the UK are eucalyptus nitens (Shining Gum) and eucalyptus viminalis (White Gum).


Is Burning Eucalyptus Poisonous?

If you were to eat (great swathes of) eucalyptus leaves, you may become unwell, however, the smoke of eucalyptus wood is not toxic.


Is Burning Eucalyptus Bad for the Chimney?

If eucalyptus wood is properly seasoned, the wood is not bad for the chimney. Eucalyptus wood has a naturally high oil content and this may be considered dangerous, however, seasoning the eucalyptus removes much of this oil and, consequently, the risk.

You should have your chimney cleaned every year as a minimum, regardless of which wood you use. This is to remove soot, cobwebs, bird nests, other blockages and creosote to allow for the safe passage of smoke and to prevent chimney fires.


Does the Wood Split Easily?

No. Eucalyptus wood is notoriously difficult to split. If you can buy it pre-split, it’ll save you a lot of effort.

If you want to split the wood yourself, you are best to leave it for 5-7 days after it’s been cut, and before you season it. Just before it reaches the week mark, cracks will start to form in the wood; this is the best time to start splitting the wood.

Also explore our Wood-Burning Stove FAQs.


Heat Output and Efficiency of Eucalyptus

As mentioned above, eucalyptus packs a punch in the heat department: it produces 34.5 million BTUs and has a very strong flame.

Eucalyptus wood also produces good coals, keeping your home warm for longer after the fire itself is out.

Some worry that burning eucalyptus wood produces too much heat, so you can mix eucalyptus wood with other woods if you are concerned about excess heat.


Why choose us?

Charnwood has been committed to providing quality wood burning stoves since 1972 and we know all there is to know about wood burners and the best woods to use in them. If you have any questions about heating your home with a wood burning stove, please get in touch.


In light of energy prices rising to unprecedented rates, more people than ever before are looking at alternative ways to heat their homes and stay warm. The cost of gas and electricity is more expensive than ever before due to factors such as a rise in import costs, an increase in global demand, and supply issues caused by global conflicts.

This has led to many people looking for alternative sources of heat, especially as the cost of living crisis pushes households to their limits financially. One source of heat that has experienced a noticeable increase in demand is the wood-burning stove. But is it more cost-effective to use a wood-burning stove rather than central heating?

We’ve created a helpful guide outlining everything you need to know about wood-burning stoves and whether or not they are a cheaper alternative to gas.


The rising price of gas and electricity

Domestic energy prices are at an all-time high due to the extremely volatile nature of the energy market, causing prices to increase at rates we have never seen before.

The cost of gas has increased by 141% since winter 2021/2022 and experts are advising that these eye-watering prices will continue to soar with bills going up again in April 2023, many households have found themselves in the position where they are simply not able to afford to heat their homes.

The good news is, there are alternatives available, including the wood-burning stove.


The advantages of using a wood-burning stove

There are a number of advantages of using a wood-burning stove, including:

•  A wood burner could reduce your heating bills by up to 10%, according to the Energy Saving Trust.

•  Under the current price cap, a woodburning stove costs around 13% less than gas central heating, and one-third of the price of electric heating.

•  Efficient – log burners have around 75-90% efficiency.

•  Eco-friendly and wood is a renewable, sustainable fuel source.

•  Increases the value of your property.

•  Aesthetically pleasing and good for mental well being.


The drawbacks of using a wood-burning stove

If you’re considering investing in a wood-burning stove for your property, it’s important that you also weigh up any potential cons too. After all, installation can be expensive, so it’s vital that you understand what is involved with the upkeep of a wood-burning stove and the costs involved.

Here are some of the potential drawbacks to keep in mind:

•  If you don’t already have a wood burner, the initial expense can range from £500 – to over £5000, with installation costing on average £2,000.

•  You will need enough space to accommodate a wood-burning stove.

•  Storage space is required for logs to ensure they get plenty of air and stay dry.

•  On-going upkeep and maintenance.

•  A wood-burning stove can’t always be used to heat your entire home, although residual heat can spread around the house.


The advantages of using central heating

In order to evaluate whether or not a log burner is cheaper and better than a wood-burning stove, we’ve also taken a look at the advantages that come hand in hand with using central heating:

•  Central heating creates a warm and comfortable home pretty much instantly. After all, on a freezing cold day, there really is nothing better than stepping into a home that is warm and toasty!

•  Convenient and flexible.

•  Central heating creates an even temperature.

•  Modern central heating makes minimal noise.


The drawbacks of using central heating

Like any heating system, you should also take into account the drawbacks of using a central heating system when deciding whether this is the best option for you.

The most common drawbacks of using a central heating system are as follows:

•  Installation is expensive

•  Operating costs are significantly higher

•  Poor duct connections can lower the efficiency of the system

•  Costly repairs

•  Costs vary depending on the cost of gas and electricity, which are currently increasing.



The end result

As you can see, there is a lot to weigh up when it comes to the pros and cons of both log burners and central heating systems.

However, if you are looking to cut the costs of your heating bills, a wood-burning stove wins every time. A wood-burning stove can cost around a third of the price of electric central heating to run.

If you would like to find out more about our wood-burning stoves, view our FAQs page here.


Why choose us?

Founded in 1972, Charnwood Stoves are a privately owned, family-controlled, British company specialising in the design and manufacture of high-quality wood-burning and multi-fuel stoves. We are committed to providing the highest quality stoves, at the best possible price.

We also have a firm focus on protecting the environment and ensuring our operations are sustainable and responsible.

We operate a policy of caring for the environment in all aspects of the business; from the products we design and the way we package and we transport them, to the way we deal with the disposal of waste products, as well as the vehicles we use and our choice of raw materials.


Get in touch now

If you have any questions about our wood-burning stoves, please get in touch with a member of our team today.


At Charnwood, a key part of our mission is to maximise wood-burning efficiency. Our revolutionary Blu technology means our stoves achieve ClearSkies ratings of 5/5 stars, while easily outperforming Ecodesign regulation requirements. We believe this is vital work when considering all the myriad benefits wood burning offers the individual and society. Carbon neutrality, significant well-being benefits, heat security and perhaps most importantly right now, low-cost fuel.

If you’ve already upgraded to an Ecodesign stove but are still looking for ways to improve efficiency, then please read on. In this post, we will discuss 7 great ways to make your stove work even harder for you and the environment!

1. Use a stove pipe thermometer

A Stove or Flu pipe thermometer is an essential piece of equipment that allows you to accurately monitor your stove’s temperature. This helps burn wood efficiently, protecting your stove and chimney, while reducing emissions and maximising heat output.

“Makes it so much easier to see if my fire is working at optimum temperature and if I need to adjust the amount of wood/air flow.” Charnwood customer from the 2022 stove accessory survey

Additionally, we recommend keeping your stove glass clean so you can monitor your fire and gauge its intensity. As you become more experienced you will be able to better predict the necessary interventions for gaining maximum efficiency.

2. Burn only dry, seasoned wood for better combustion

It’s important to burn only dry, seasoned wood with a moisture content of 20% or below. Wet wood (anything above 20%) doesn’t burn as well, leading to low efficiency and more smoke and pollutants.

Seasoned wood is wood that has been cut and usually allowed to dry for at least 6-12 months. You can roughly estimate if wood is seasoned by its lighter weight when compared to wet wood and telltale cracks in the end grain. However, to be sure, we strongly recommend using a moisture meter to accurately check the moisture content.

Better still, you can purchase kiln-dried wood from an approved firewood seller. Click here to search in your area.

3. Use a heat shield to direct more heat into the room

You can reduce your stove’s clearances to combustibles and direct more heat back into the room with a Vlaze heatshield. Vlaze heat shields and hearth plates protect walls and floors from high temperatures and help reflect heat back into your room – they look great too!

4. Harness your stove’s heat for cooking and boiling the kettle

If you have a wood-burning stove, you can harness your stove’s heat for cooking with cast iron pots and pans. This is a fantastic way to save energy while heating your home! For everything you need to know about cooking with your stove click here.

5. Check the seals on your stove

It’s important to make sure that the seals on your stove are tight. If the seals become too loose, this will reduce the efficiency of your stove and could allow smoke into your home. To check the seals, simply look at the gasket (rope seal) around the door of your stove. If it’s not snug against the door, then it needs replacing. You should also check the seal around the chimney to prevent any escape. Taking just a few minutes to check the seals on your wood-burning stove, will help you keep your home safe and warm all winter long.

If you’re still not sure how to check the seals, consult your stove owner’s manual or contact a qualified technician.

6. Don’t overfill the stove – allow for air circulation

It’s important not to overfill the firebox of your wood-burning stove. This allows proper air circulation which is key to ensuring an even and efficient burn. A good rule of thumb is to fill the firebox no more than halfway so the wood gets enough oxygen to burn properly. If not wood will smoulder which can cause creosote buildup, a flammable substance that can cause chimney fires.

7. Regularly clean out ash and soot from inside the stove

It’s important to regularly clean out the ash and soot that builds up inside. This helps keep the stove looking clean and improves efficiency as ash and soot can block the airflow inside the stove, making it difficult for the fire to breathe.

How often you clean will depend on how often the stove is used, but generally, it is best to do a thorough cleaning once every couple of weeks.

We highly recommend using an ash carrier to make the process much easier and mess-free!


Using a wood-burning stove is a great way to heat your home, cook meals, and save money on energy costs. However, it is important to take proper maintenance steps to ensure optimal performance. With these tips, you can enjoy the warmth of your fire this winter knowing you are being as efficient as possible!


We recently released the fascinating results of the Charnwood Wellbeing Study 2021 which revealed 93% of 1227 wood-burning stove users recognise their stove’s positive impact on wellbeing. A further 6% answered maybe with only 1% replying no. The study also gave additional detailed insight into how these wellbeing benefits are experienced and this blog will take a closer look at these findings.


Lighting your stove is the perfect way to draw a line in the sand from the stresses of the day. It can become almost a ritual that readies the body and mind for repose. There is documentation of the power of fire playing this roll since the dawn of time. Studies have shown how hearth and campfires can influence arterial blood pressure and defray the costs of the social brain through fireside relaxation. Here is a section from the study:

‘Results indicated consistent blood pressure decreases in the fire-with-sound condition, particularly with a longer duration of stimulus, and enhancing effects of absorption and prosociality. Findings confirm that hearth and campfires induce relaxation as part of a multisensory, absorptive, and social experience.’

So, in short, science supports what our survey participants reported below.

“I find the process of building and lighting the fire therapeutic and sitting watching the flames is very relaxing.”

A fire promotes feelings of safety and security which helps relaxation. Tension is often held in the body and the warmth of the fire seems to have a physiological effect as well as a psychological one. The heat relaxes the muscles, and the mind follows.

“It helps me to switch off after work and also to consider things more clearly and calmly. It seems to warm my soul as well as my feet!”

“We love our log burner. It makes us feel warm, safe and secure. It helps heat the whole house, which has proved an asset in power cuts. Nothing beats sitting in the living room with the warmth of the fire in the depths of winter.”

“It’s extremely relaxing to sit by the fire and watch the flames dance away. So much so in fact, that we opted to cancel our Netflix subscription and we simply don’t watch it any longer. We’d much rather sit and watch the fire instead!”

Stress release

With stress widely regarded as one of the unhealthiest components of our lives, it is encouraging to know that a fire can change these negative states of being.

“You can just gaze into the fire and be taken away from the stresses of work. It gives opportunity for the family to come together and talk. Talking just seems to come easier when siting around the stove.”

“Chopping wood is a great way to relieve stress! Everyone congregates around the fire and the children like to help with the kindling etc. It just creates a special atmosphere.”

“All my problems seem very manageable when I feel the fires warmth, realising that life is good and that I shouldn’t stress out about the small stuff.”

Improves mood


Mood and happiness are intertwined and while we all have strategies to improve our mood, some are better for us than others. Lighting your stove is arguably one of the better ways to improve your mood and one that can be depended upon time and time again.

“The world seems much better with a stove! It has huge mental health benefit, particularly during pandemic “
Again, whether that is improving from a negative state or enhancing an already wonderful occasion, it appears a significant proportion of participants recognise a strong effect from their wood-burning experience on their mood.

“Really effective on cold winter afternoons with few outdoor options.
Definitely a mood lifter.”

“My stove helps with relaxation & mood improvement. It helps to unwind after a day’s exertions at work.”

Promotes Family Bonding

With more of our lives being played out online, those of us who remember life before social media, recognise the negative impact on in-person interaction and connection. One can be in the same house, room or even at the same dinner table as others and still feel detached from the person gazing at their phone. As an antidote, a wood-burning stove can provide a focal point for the home, encouraging people to share space and spark conversation. Time shared in this way often leads to a deeper sense of connection and a tighter family unit.

“You can just gaze into the fire and be taken away from the stresses of work. It gives opportunity for the family to come together and talk. Talking just seems to come easier when siting around the stove.”

“Something the whole family enjoy doing together and it makes us all feel incredibly relaxed and happy.”

“After a day of sledging and building snowmen and having snowball fights with the family it was very relaxing and comforting for us all to warm up in front of the fire.”

“Having the fire going brings everyone to the same room. This helps with family bonding and discussions in general. With our digital lives, it is so easy to just stay in your room and get distracted. However, the fire brings us together and we can even share a warm drink together!”

Homely atmosphere

Now this one didn’t surprise us too much, gaining the most votes out of any of the options available. Relating to family bonding, the fireplace has long been the centre of the home and we are hardwired to respond positively to its influence.

“Winter evenings with friends. Whenever we have visitors during the winter, we always make sure the stove is running as this usually ensures nobody will request the television be turned on, leading to an altogether much nicer atmosphere with people actually chatting and engaging much more, rather than staring at the screen.”

“Chopping wood is a great way to relieve stress! Everyone congregates around the fire and the children like to help with the kindling etc. It just creates a special atmosphere.”

“Christmas especially. The stove just provides a much-needed atmosphere on a cold winter’s night. You feel relaxed, cosy and there is something about it that just welcomes you into the living room. I couldn’t live without it.”


The recognition of meditation’s utility in our modern lives has grown exponentially over recent years. Online meditation apps, sound meditations as well as more traditional forms have all been widely adopted. Despite these great tools, it can still be very challenging to unlock the benefits of meditation through a strict dedicated practice.

Perhaps equally beneficial and certainly more accessible are those everyday acts/experiences that encourage something approaching a meditative state. Hobbies, music, walks in nature etc. can, from anecdotal evidence, bring about these states to greater or lesser degrees. Wood-burning is also certainly on that list. A full sensory experience that allows the mind to detach from thoughts more easily, replacing with a spaciousness that is restorative. Detaching from thoughts and stilling the mind is so much easier when one has a focus, be it the breath, a mantra, or a fire…

“It draws the family (and pets) into the room, warms the atmosphere and the space and watching the flames is meditative too. “

“You can just gaze into the fire and be taken away from the stresses of work. It gives opportunity for the family to come together and talk. Talking just seems to come easier when siting around the stove.”

“Watching the stove in full display is almost hypnotic and has great relaxing properties. It also has a back to nature feel and without any electrical devices in the room is perfect for de-stressing.”

“Mesmerising flame watching takes us away from our worries and concerns. The room has a focus that isn’t a screen and gives warmth with it.”


The process of lighting a fire taps into the more primal part of our brain and somehow allows us to switch off from the everyday stresses and escape from worry. A warm fire signifies access to cooking, warmth, and shelter and when these primary needs are catered for, we instinctively feel better about life.

“Fire is deep within the human psyche and sits in a happy place in our limbic brain. You get lost from the day to day in a fire – it’s a little bit of wilderness in the order of the day to day.”

“I’ve long felt a disconnect between earning money in the corporate world and home life. Here is something with a direct connection – the family stay warm through my simple effort.”

“Helps to switch off from the technology that takes over our everyday lives. You feel a sense of achievement when the first sparks ignite.”


There are too many incredible quotes to list them all. To give a feel for the full range of benefits that a log burner can bring to wellbeing, here’s a list of the most used words and phrases in the ‘Other’ category:

Safety, protection, memories, therapeutic, comforting, unwind, switch off, tradition, better than tv, mesmerising, warmth, warm my soul, nicer atmosphere, joyful experience, encourages chatting, stove is a catalyst, congregates, less vulnerable, natural, sense of achievement, hypnotic, cosy, ritual, magical, toasting marshmallows, contentment, building a memory…

The results of the Charnwood Wellbeing Survey are the first of its kind. Whilst offering many fascinating insights into life with a log burner, as with many things in life, seeing is believing. Perhaps we can modify this expression to ‘experiencing is believing’ as far more than one sense is stimulated when nestling down in front of a toasty fire on a cold winters evening.

Read More:

Wood Burning Stoves – Wellbeing Benefits


We recently released the fascinating results of The Charnwood Wellbeing Study 2021 which revealed 93% of 1227 wood-burning stove users recognise their stove’s positive impact on wellbeing. A further 6% answered maybe with only 1% replying no. The study also gave additional detailed insight into how these wellbeing benefits are experienced and this blog will take a closer look at these findings.


Lighting your stove is the perfect way to draw a line in the sand from the stresses of the day. It can become almost a ritual that readies the body and mind for repose. There is documentation of the power of fire playing this roll since the dawn of time. Studies have shown how hearth and campfires can influence arterial blood pressure and defray the costs of the social brain through fireside relaxation.

‘Results indicated consistent blood pressure decreases in the fire-with-sound condition, particularly with a longer duration of stimulus, and enhancing effects of absorption and prosociality. Findings confirm that hearth and campfires induce relaxation as part of a multisensory, absorptive, and social experience.’

So, in short, science supports what our survey participants reported below.

“I find the process of building and lighting the fire therapeutic and sitting watching the flames is very relaxing.”

A fire promotes feelings of safety and security which helps relaxation. Tension can also be held in the body and the warmth of the fire seems to have a physiological effect as well as a psychological one. The heat relaxes the muscles, and the mind follows.

“We love our log burner. It makes us feel warm, safe and secure. It helps heat the whole house, which has proved an asset in power cuts. Nothing beats sitting in the living room with the warmth of the fire in the depths of winter.”

“It’s extremely relaxing to sit by the fire and watch the flames dance away. So much so in fact, that we opted to cancel our Netflix subscription and we simply don’t watch it any longer. We’d much rather sit and watch the fire instead!”

Stress release

With stress widely regarded as one of the unhealthiest components of our lives, it is encouraging to know that a fire can change these negative states of being.

“You can just gaze into the fire and be taken away from the stresses of work. It gives opportunity for the family to come together and talk. Talking just seems to come easier when siting around the stove.”

“Chopping wood is a great way to relieve stress! Everyone congregates around the fire and the children like to help with the kindling etc. It just creates a special atmosphere.”

“All my problems seem very manageable when I feel the fires warmth, realising that life is good and that I shouldn’t stress out about the small stuff.”

Improves mood


Mood and happiness are intertwined and while we all have strategies to improve our mood, some are better for us than others. Lighting your stove is arguably one of the better ways to improve your mood and one that can be depended upon time and time again.

“The world seems much better with a stove! It has huge mental health benefit, particularly during pandemic “
Again, whether that is improving from a negative state or enhancing an already wonderful occasion, it appears a significant proportion of participants recognise a strong effect from their wood-burning experience on their mood.

“Really effective on cold winter afternoons with few outdoor options.
Definitely a mood lifter.”

“My stove helps with relaxation & mood improvement. It helps to unwind after a day’s exertions at work.”

Promotes Family Bonding

With more of our lives being played out online, those of us who remember life before social media, recognise the negative impact on in-person interaction and connection. One can be in the same house, room or even at the same dinner table as others and still feel detached from the person gazing at their phone. As an antidote, a wood-burning stove can provide a focal point for the home, encouraging people to share space and spark conversation. Time shared in this way often leads to a deeper sense of connection and a tighter family unit.

“Something the whole family enjoy doing together and it makes us all feel incredibly relaxed and happy.”

“You can just gaze into the fire and be taken away from the stresses of work. It gives opportunity for the family to come together and talk. Talking just seems to come easier when siting around the stove.”

“After a day of sledging and building snowmen and having snowball fights with the family it was very relaxing and comforting for us all to warm up in front of the fire.”

“Having the fire going brings everyone to the same room. This helps with family bonding and discussions in general. With our digital lives, it is so easy to just stay in your room and get distracted. However, the fire brings us together and we can even share a warm drink together!”

Homely atmosphere

Now this one didn’t surprise us too much, gaining the most votes out of any of the options available. Relating to family bonding, the fireplace has long been the centre of the home and we are hardwired to respond positively to its influence.

“Winter evenings with friends. Whenever we have visitors during the winter, we always make sure the stove is running as this usually ensures nobody will request the television be turned on, leading to an altogether much nicer atmosphere with people actually chatting and engaging much more, rather than staring at the screen.”

“Chopping wood is a great way to relieve stress! Everyone congregates around the fire and the children like to help with the kindling etc. It just creates a special atmosphere.”

“Christmas especially. The stove just provides a much-needed atmosphere on a cold winter’s night. You feel relaxed, cosy and there is something about it that just welcomes you into the living room. I couldn’t live without it.”


The recognition of meditation’s utility in our modern lives has grown exponentially over recent years. Online meditation apps, sound meditations as well as more traditional forms have all been widely adopted. Despite these great tools, it can still be very challenging to unlock the benefits of meditation through a strict dedicated practice. Perhaps equally beneficial and certainly more accessible are those everyday acts/experiences that encourage something approaching a mediative state. Hobbies, music, walks in nature etc. can, from anecdotal evidence, bring about these states to greater or lesser degrees. Wood-burning is certainly also on that list. A full sensory experience that allows the mind to detach from thoughts more easily, replacing with a spaciousness that is restorative. Detaching from thoughts and stilling the mind is so much easier when one has a focus, be it the breath, a mantra, or a fire…

“It draws the family (and pets) into the room, warms the atmosphere and the space and watching the flames is meditative too. “

“You can just gaze into the fire and be taken away from the stresses of work. It gives opportunity for the family to come together and talk. Talking just seems to come easier when siting around the stove.”

“Watching the stove in full display is almost hypnotic and has great relaxing properties. It also has a back to nature feel and without any electrical devices in the room is perfect for de-stressing.”

“Mesmerising flame watching takes us away from our worries and concerns. The room has a focus that isn’t a screen and gives warmth with it.”


The process of lighting a fire taps into the more primal part of our brain and somehow allows us to switch off from the everyday stresses and escape from worry. A warm fire signifies access to cooking, warmth, and shelter and when these primary needs are catered for, we instinctively feel better about life.

“Fire is deep within the human psyche and sits in a happy place in our limbic brain. You get lost from the day to day in a fire – it’s a little bit of wilderness in the order of the day to day.”

“I’ve long felt a disconnect between earning money in the corporate world and home life. Here is something with a direct connection – the family stay warm through my simple effort.”

“Helps to switch off from the technology that takes over our everyday lives. You feel a sense of achievement when the first sparks ignite.”


There are too many incredible quotes to list them all. To give a feel for the full range of benefits that a log burner can bring to wellbeing, here’s a list of the most used words and phrases in the ‘Other’ category:

Safety, protection, memories, therapeutic, comforting, unwind, switch off, tradition, better than tv, mesmerising, warmth, warm my soul, nicer atmosphere, joyful experience, encourages chatting, stove is a catalyst, congregates, less vulnerable, natural, sense of achievement, hypnotic, cosy, ritual, magical, toasting marshmallows, contentment, building a memory…

The results of the Charnwood Wellbeing Survey are the first of its kind. Whilst offering many fascinating insights into life with a log burner, as with many things in life, seeing is believing. Perhaps we can modify this expression to ‘experiencing is believing’ as far more than one sense is stimulated when nestling down in front of a toasty fire on a cold winters evening.

Read More:

Link to another blog [The truth about emissions …]


Glamping’s popularity continues to soar with a range of luxury camping options available across the UK. Log cabins, yurts, shepherds’ huts, and other ‘tiny home’ accommodation are fantastic ways to bring comfort and relaxation to the most beautiful locations. Many owners are adding wood-burning stoves as trends continue to show they are a key consideration for holidaymakers. After all, there is nothing quite like staying in an idyllic spot with the radiant heat of a wood-burning stove to get you into holiday mode. In response to this rapid growth in glamping stoves, HETAS has released new regulations for installation in leisure accommodation units. Here’s an overview of some of the key points raised and why, with the release of Charnwood’s Aire 3 Stove Pod package, we have the perfect glamping solution.


When choosing your glamping stove, bear in mind that HETAS regulations state that “Only appliances that have been appropriately tested to the required CE type test standards (i.e. BS EN 13240) and have a measured gross efficiency of above 65% shall be installed.’’  

It is also important to make sure that the wood-burner you choose has sufficient output for your space, but not be too large that it negatively affects emissions and efficiency. As a general guide, a 3kW output heats a 30m3, 5kW a 60m3 space, while a 7kW output will heat approximately 90m3. Between 3 and 5kw is an ideal output for most leisure accommodation, however, we recommend speaking with your supplier to ascertain what best suits your needs.

Whilst a minimum efficiency of 65% is currently required, in light of DEFRA’s recent announcements and with more changes coming in 2022, it makes sense to choose an EcoDesign ready stove. This future proofs your investment, while also being the eco-friendly and cost-efficient choice. The majority of Charnwood stoves are EcoDesign ready and accredited with the highest 5 Star ClearSkies rating.


Each stove manufactured undergoes CE type testing to verify the safe distances required from your stove and other surfaces. Due to the limited space in most glamping setups that means these minimum distances cannot usually be obtained. Therefore, heat shielding is required to protect and ensure any adjacent combustibles do not rise above 85C.

Situated underneath the stove, hearths should extend 150mm on the sides and 225 mm at the rear and front of the appliance. They should be made of suitable non-combustible material and provide sufficient support for the weight of the stove and chimney system.

If your stove’s guidance on clearance is below 700mm, it is eligible for use with a heat shield in your leisure accommodation. A heat shield can reduce the safe distance required for your stove to just 95mm and in the case of Charnwood’s Stove Pod and Aire 3 package this is reduced to just 50mm – a significant space saving.

HETAS state a heat shield should extend to the extremities of the hearth (150mm on either side) and 200mm above the top surface, without obstructing the flow of cool air behind the shield. A gap of 25 mm should be maintained between the shield and the combustible surface.

For more information on all the regulations, we recommend speaking with your nearest supplier and checking out the HETAS website.

Aire 3 Stove Pod Package

Whilst there are a number of regulations to be mindful of, Charnwood has taken the headache away by creating the perfect glamping stove package, allowing you to easily meet all HETAS and Defra regulations. It exceeds efficiency and clearance targets and is designed to be quick to fit and provide many years of good use.

The Aire 3 is one of the most efficient stoves on the market, demonstrating 86% efficiency on independent tests. It’s one of the few glamping stoves that is EcoDesign ready and has been given a 5-star clearSkies rating – the highest possible award. With a 2-5 kW output, it is the perfect size for most leisure spaces and provides a crystal-clear burn. The glass door is designed to maximise the viewing area and your guest’s enjoyment of the fire. It also benefits from being easy to operate, with a single air control and removable ashpan, which lends itself to guests that may not have previous wood-burning experience.

The stove pod provides a sleek, safe, and secure enclosure and is designed for ease of installation. We recommend this is carried out by a heating specialist, however, the Stove Pod’s unique design means that you will save on time and labour when compared to alternatives.

The Stove Pod is a freestanding unit that doesn’t require affixing to any walls which is particularly important in a yurt and other glamping accommodation. It is an exceptionally sturdy design and will provide years of use, even from the most inexperienced holidaymakers. The internal shelf supports the flue providing far greater stability and the curvature of the design focuses heat into your space.

The steel skin is magnetic and Charnwood offer a number of tools and pots that can be attached, while the flue support incorporates a handy warming shelf for plates, pots and pans. It is available in a matt black hammered powder coat with the option to add a VLAZE vitreous enamel liner for a stylish, easy to clean finish.


We welcome the new glamping stove regulations for which the Aire 3 Stove Pod package offers a perfect solution. As with all Charnwood products, beauty and longevity come as standard, but it is the intelligence of the design that makes the Aire 3 Stove pod package the ideal choice for the glamping stove market.

For more information do get in touch with your local supplier. For the latest news follow us @Charnwood.



Can you put a wood stove in a yurt?

Absolutely! They are very popular as they provide a comfortable, radiant, source of heat while being extremely beneficial for one’s wellbeing. A stove pod is an excellent stand-alone option as it is far easier to install and doesn’t need to be affixed to the tent. We recommend speaking with your supplier or heating specialist about installation.

Can you put a wood stove in a Tiny House?

A wood-burning stove is a great option for a Tiny house. Due to the limited space, you will need to consider a heat shield and hearth to adhere to HETAS regulations. A stove pod would be an ideal option as it’s easy to install and reduces clearance requirements to an absolute minimum.

Can you put a wood stove in a Shepard’s hut?

A Shepard’s hut heats up quickly and benefits from the warm radiant heat of a wood-burning stove. It’s a perfect choice for those who are living off-grid and want a sustainable and eco-friendly fuel source.

What is considered a non-combustible wall?

While brick, metal, stone and tile are non-combustible, many walls include some combustible elements, such as wood, in their underlying structure. If enough heat is transmitted through the non-combustible part of the wall to the vulnerable underlying material, it could present a fire hazard. To prevent this a heat shield is your only option.

Do you need planning permission to install a wood-burning stove?

No, you do not need to have planning permission. However, you must adhere to DEFRA controls and HETAS Regulations. We recommend consulting with your supplier/heating specialist for advice.

Does having a wood stove increase insurance?

Not necessarily. Your insurer may consider your wood stove in the same category as a space heater or other similar heating appliance. Consult your insurer and if there is any increase, it is likely to be small.